~The Gang~

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Y/n's POV:

On my way to school this morning, I ran into Ponyboy.

"Hey Pony! Nice morning today isn't it?" "Yeah it sure is. You ready for your second day?" I laughed. "Yeah I guess, ready as I'll ever be. Hey did you see the socs that passed through here last night?" "Kinda, I was in my room reading and I heard them pass by. Why? You get in trouble with em'?"

"Nah, I ran away before they could get the chance." I was gonna mention I was with Johnny, but I don't know if he knows him. "Oh! Anyway Y/n, you wanna swing by my house after school? I can introduce you to my gang. They won't bite I promise." I smiled. "Yeah sure! Sounds fun!" He smiled back. "It's all settled then." We made it to the front door of the school. "Meet me here at the end of the day and I'll walk you to my house."

"Sounds good!" I said cheerfully. "I can't wait!" Then we went our separate ways into our classes. I walked into my chemistry class and took my seat. But today, the originally empty seat was filled by a girl with red hair. "Hi," I said to her, "sorry about this seat. I'm new and this was the only seat I could find." She gave me a soft smile. "It's okay. Welcome to Tulsa." She then turned her attention back to the board and prepared for class. One of the girls who rejected me yesterday called out to her with a snicker.

"Cherri! Are you really gonna let that filthy greaser girl sit next to you?" I could feel all the socs in the class staring at us and giggling. The redhead refused to meet my gaze. "I suggest... you find a different seat." I gathered my things, but the only other open seat was next to those soc girls, so I had no choice but to plop back down next to her. She picked up her things and practically ran to the seat next to those girls.

"Good choice Cherri. You know what would happen if you hung out with greasers."

Bit of a time skip

Lunch time came around, and I sat at a table to eat my lunch. I'm so lucky my dad made (your favorite food). I ate my food, and then pulled out a book to read, when I felt something wet on my head. A soc girl, stood pouring water on my head. The redhead girl, who's name I believe is Cherri, and a girl with short black hair stood laughing as I got soaked. I stood up and knocked the water bottle out of her hand.

"Really? That's mature." The girl laughed. "I was just washing you off! Greasers like you are dirty." I just ran out of the cafeteria. I got paper towels in the bathroom and tried to dry myself off, but I'll be honest. It didn't do very much. I just can't wait for today to be over.

End of school day

After my last class was over, I sighed in relief and headed to Pony and I's meetup spot. My clothes are still a bit damp, and I'm cold. By the time I got there, Ponyboy was already waiting for me.

"Y/n! Hey! A-are you wet?" I nodded. "Some soc thought it would be funny to pour water on my head, but I'm fine, it's just water." "Oh. Well, you ready to go?" "Yeah let's go! I'm excited to meet your friends!"

I followed his lead as we walked through our neighborhood. Then we reached a small house with a chain link fence surrounding it. "This is where you live?" I asked. "Yup! It's small but it's home." He said as he swung open the door. We stepped into the house as everyone greeted Ponyboy. But my eyes were fixated on a familiar face.

"Everyone, this is Y/-" "Johnny?" I asked as we stared at each other. I ran up to him. "I didn't know you'd be here! You know Ponyboy too?" "Yeah. We've been best buds for a long time. How do you know him?" Our conversation was interrupted by Pony clearing his throat.

"Ahem... as I was saying, this is Y/n. We met at school yesterday after she helped me out with some socs." I waved sheepishly. A tall boy wearing a flannel walked up to me and offered to shake my hand. "Thanks for taking care of my kid brother. He needs it." I shook his hand. "I'm Sodapop by the way." "It's nice to meet you Sodapop." Ponyboy scoffed. "I didn't need it..."

"Oh really Pony? Can you protect yourself from... this?" He ran over to Ponyboy and pulled him in a headlock and ruffled his hair. They all laughed, and I stood there awkwardly until Johnny whisked me away to introduce me to the rest of the gang. One by one I met Pony's other brother Darry, Sodapop's friend Steve, Two-bit, and finally Dallas. I reached out my hand, but he scoffed at the idea.

"Aw come on Dal, she's cool." Johnny said reassuringly. Dallas looked at him and sighed. "If Johnny likes ya, I guess you're alright." He reluctantly shook my hand. That's when Johnny noticed my still dripping hair and damp clothes. "Y/n are you wet? I don't remember it raining on the way here."

"No no it didn't rain," I explained "some soc thought it would be funny to pour water on my head." "Oh..." he hung his head. "I know how tuff it can be dealing with socs. Gee, I'm sorry." I reached out to ruffle his hair.

"Its okay Johnny. I'm fine." I flashed him a smile and walked away to go see Pony.

Johnny's POV:

Her touch lingered and I felt my face flush as I stared blankly. "Haha you definitely have the hots for her Johnnycake." Dally chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged him off. "I do not! We just met yesterday." "Awe Johnny fell in love at first sight." He continued to tease me and I smacked him. "Lay off Dal." "Fine fine."

Y/n and the gang had all sat down and started talking. She looked over at me and smiled. "Johnny! Come sit!" She pat the spot next to her on the floor. I sat down next to her and she gave me a soft smile. After a few minutes of all of us just hanging out together, some people playing cards, Mickey Mouse was on TV, and some of us just talking, I looked over at Y/n.

Was she.. shivering? I mean she still is a little wet so it would make sense she would be cold. I feel bad. What do I do?

Y/n's POV:

I sat there shivering until I felt a warm jacket wrap around me. I looked to Johnny who was no longer wearing his jean jacket. He whispered to me. "You okay?" I felt my face burn and nodded. "Y-yeah. Thanks." "Good." He turned back to the conversation happening in front of us. I sunk into the warmth of his jacket. It smelled like cigarettes and fresh air. I wondered if he smelled like that too.

Darry cleared his throat. "Alright kids it's getting late. It's time for everyone to go home." Everyone in the gang groaned and got up to say their goodbyes. Johnny pulled me up. "I'll walk you home."

We walked home in silence, the occasional glance at each other. When we made it to my house, I tried to give him back his jacket but he stopped me.

"Keep it. You can give it back later. Goodnight." He said, walking away.

I slowly backed away into my house. It was late, so my dad was already asleep. I retreated into my room for the night and got into bed. I snuggled into the jacket and welcomed the extra warmth. The comforting smell was enough to lull me to sleep...

(Hello! It's been so long since I updated! I got halfway into writing this and then just got completely stuck, and then life got in the way. If you enjoyed reading, please don't forget to vote! I would die happy. -Bunny)

1372 words

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