~Nothing Gold can Stay~

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Y/n's POV:

I woke up to soft snoring. Johnny was laying on my shoulder, and Ponyboy in his lap.

"Johnny." I gently shook him awake. His eyes slowly blinked open.

"Y/n? Is the train stopped?"

"No, it's still moving, but I think it might stop soon, the sun is rising."

Johnny poked Ponyboy's cheek.

"Hey Horseman. Up."

We both laughed at Ponyboy shot up.

"Johnny, not cool man..." Pony's voice was groggy and scratchy.

We felt the train come screeching to a stop. I was the first off the train, then Ponyboy, and then Johnny.

"Geez Ponyboy, you put my legs to sleep."

"Ah, you'll get over it."

I looked around in hopes of finding Jay mountain just from sight, but had no luck.

"I have an idea." Johnny and Ponyboy looked to me.

"Ponyboy, you'll pretend to be a farm boy and go ask that guy over there where Jay Mountain is. Then come back and tell us."

"Y/n, do I look like a farm boy to you?"

"Well you look it more than Johnny does. Just go, okay?"

He grumbled and started over to the Farmer.

Johnny elbowed me and said, "What a farm boy huh?"

I giggled and said, "I had to. The look on his face was priceless."

We stood there laughing until Ponyboy came running back.

"Guys! Jay Mountain is a little ways down the road. Let's go!"

I took Johnny's hand in mine and we started down the road. When we made it up the mountain, all of us were exhausted.

"We *pant* made it."

After getting inside, we all just plopped down on the floor.

Ponyboy was already out cold, and Johnny was getting groggy.

"You going to sleep too?"

"Yeah. Sleep well Johnny."

"You too Y/n."

A few hours later

I woke up to Johnny's jacket laid over me, but no Johnny. Ponyboy was still sleeping, so I quietly looked for Johnny so I wouldn't wake him. I saw a message written in the dust and dirt on the floor.

'Went for supplies. Back soon -J'

Went for supplies? But Dallas gave the money to me. I went digging in my pockets to find the money was gone. I guess he took it while I was sleeping. I tried to sneak back to where I was, but Ponyboy was already half awake.

"Y/n? Where's Johnny?"

"He went to get supplies. I dunno when he'll be back."

We were interrupted by a whistle. A long low note, ending with a quick high note. I had no idea what it meant, but apparently Ponyboy did, because he returned it, and then ran to the back door of the church. I only heard the conversation that happened out there, but I could hear the smirk on Ponyboy's face.

"Hey Johnny, fancy seein you here."

"I swear Pony, you're getting more like Two-bit every day."

Johnny and Pony walked back in with a box full of supplies, and he set it on the bench.

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