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I was summoned to an urgent meeting with the FIA following the incident involving the Red Bull mechanic. Charles tagged along and reassured me that everything would be fine, telling me that the man would be dead if I hadn't intervened. However, I couldn't help but be concerned. Looking at the FIA management panel brought on a wave of nausea as we entered the room.

"Please, have a seat, you two," one of them said to us.

"Don't look so worried" another chimed in. In return, I flashed a timid and anxious smile.

"First and foremost, Madeleine, I want to express my gratitude for everything you done out in the paddock. We've heard that Mark is in a critical but stable condition. This brings us to the reason we have requested your presence here—had you not intervened so swiftly, the outcome could have been drastically different. It's the second time you've saved a life in the paddock after giving it a lot of thought, the post of head of the nursing staff here in the paddock is one that we would like to forward to you for consideration"

"I'm sorry, you wha-" Just as I'm about to start, another panellist steps in.

"We sincerely hope you will give this some serious thought; I realise it's a lot to process, but you're incredibly talented. You've brought to light the fact that our medical staff is lacking, and we'd be grateful if you would join our team and improve their performance"

"But I already have a job?" I inquire.

"Indeed, we are aware, and that will not pose a problem. During race weekends is the only time we would ask you to fill this position. We would never expect you to give up your current job" one of the panel answers back.

"We would provide you with a substantial sum if you agreed, but we are also willing to discuss if the amount doesn't meet your standards," they go on to say.

"Can I have a few days to think about it?" I inquire as my thoughts start to whirl.'

"Certainly, Madeleine."

***  ***

I gave serious consideration to the FIA's invitation for me to lead the nursing staff for the following two days. Money wasn't an issue; I had more than enough money on hand even without Charles's income. In addition to my salary from the hospital, I still had the rent money from my London home. Maybe if I agreed, I could open a savings account specifically for the girls. The only thing that was preventing me from accepting the post was the fact that I was responsible for the girls during the time that Charles was racing. There would be no one to keep an eye on the girls if I accepted the job. I had no idea that Charles had already figured this out; he had made arrangements for his mum to accompany us to every race so she could look after the girls. He had used the excuse of not seeing her as much as he liked and wanting the girls to spend more time with her. 

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F1 Nurse- Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now