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Monaco GP 

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tagged: charlesleclerc

madeleineleclerc: Good lucky baby❤️

Charles's home race, the Monacan Grand Prix, took place this weekend. Since Maeve's birth, we haven't had any alone time to celebrate our first wedding anniversary, so Pascale graciously offered to watch the kids while we celebrated. So far, the weekend had been a success; Charles had qualified on pole, followed by Carlos and Lando. Due to Charles's desire to have his mind in the right place before the race, we arrived to the track bright and early on Sunday morning. I had dived right into my new position at the hospital, so I brought my laptop to Charles' drivers' room to get some work done before the other girls came.

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liked by danielricciardo, scuderiaferrari, pascaleleclerc and 23,947 others

madeleineleclerc: Making the most of a child free weekend and an early start at the track to get some work done 👩‍⚕️

I got a lot done before the other girls showed up. There were two student nurses rotating through the unit, so I prepared a training manual and a timetable outlining the clinical skills I hoped they would acquire while they were here. Kelly and Heidi and I caught up over a cup of coffee in the hospitality area. In the half hour before the start of the race, we all gathered at our partners' garages to wish them luck and take up our viewing spots. When I walked into Charles' drivers' room, he had just finished putting on his racing suit. I approach him, wrapping my arms around his middle. "You ready, champ?" I lean my head back against him and ask, relishing in his aroma. "Ready as I'll ever be, sweetheart..." He turned around so that we were facing each other and replied, "The sooner I finish this race, the sooner I get to spend the night with you." He leans forward and gives my forehead a soft kiss.The race gets off to a good start, with Charles maintaining his lead of 21 seconds over carlos and lando. I was having a pleasant conversation with Carlos' girlfriend Isa and had my attention diverted from the race when suddenly there was a tremendous crash followed by a chorus of screaming. I had never been a superstitious person before, but in that moment I had no doubt that it was Charles. When I look up at the big screen TV in the garage, I notice that Charles has hit the wall on a curve close to the pit lane. My thoughts are racing, and everything seems hazy. I get up, yank out my headphones, and start to hurry to the front of the garage, where the accident happened, but Fred stops me. "Madeleine, you cant go... While embracing me, he tells me, "The ambulance is here now; just wait here." I start to cry. "Fred I have to go to him... get off me!" I feel my anger rising as I yell at him, frustrated that he keeps getting in my way. "Madeleine, please have faith in me..." All he can say is, "He'll be okay," but his face still shows dread. He is keeping something from me.I don't have the strength to resist Fred's hold, so I just stand there and watch as the ambulance removes Charles from the debris. Please baby, be okay. We need you, I think to myself as I stand and watch on. Since the race was stopped due to a red flag, I've been joined in the garage by a couple of the drivers. Daniel looks at Fred with gratitude before he and Lando run over to take over from him. Later I find out that Lando is the one holding me as we watch Daniel step into the role of big brother he has been playing for the previous four years. My phone went off in my pocket and I didn't notice until Daniel reached in and took it, answering it, and chatting to someone I'm going to guess is Pascale. As the ambulance arrives, I see Charles being loaded onto a stretcher and taken away. Fred has just informed me that he is being brought to the hospital, the same hospital where I work. Since Charles was notorious for misplacing his car keys, I made a beeline for the driver's lounge, where I hurriedly retrieved my purse and extracted the keys with trepidation. I stand and look at the keys. I cant lose him. Lando and Daniel stop me as I sprint to the front of the garage and demand, "What do you think you're doing? Not on your life..." Lando says to me, "Give me the keys, and I'll drive" as Daniel takes my hand and we all go out to Charles' car. Daniel hops in the backseat, and I, with Lando at the wheel, take a seat in the passenger side. The trip seems to last forever, yet it probably only takes around 10 minutes. When Lando pulls over, I immediately exit the vehicle and dash in the main entrance. I'm in a panic, but I see a familiar face in the emergency department and I know I'll be okay. "Sally, Charles has been brought in... where is he?" I stutter out, my gaze drawn to the admissions board behind her, searching for his name. "Maddie... He was rushed to the operating room. Go wait in the relatives' room, and I'll send the doctor in to talk to you," she says. Surgery? I don't see why he would need surgery. How bad of a crash did he get into? What was it that Fred knew that he didn't share with me?After a while, Lando and Daniel join me in the relatives' room, and we all wait quietly for the doctor to come in. As tears began to fall and I put my hands over my face, Lando placed a consoling hand on my knee. Lando says, "Oh Mads, come here" and he yanks me into him.After what seems like an age, two doctors walk in and take seats on the sofa directly across from me. I know them.I had the pleasure of working with both Doctors Byers and Baker on several occasions."Madeleine... You're one of the best nurses here, and I won't dishonour you by glossing things over for you. Charles has severe head injuries and a subdural hematoma, according to CT scans" Doctor Byers says, "He is getting ready for surgery right now, I just need you to sign these consent forms as his next of kin." He then passes me a form and a pen. I sign in silently without even looking at the form. Doctor Baker steps up and starts to walk out the door, softly saying, "We'll make sure you get updated every half hour." "Even though I'm telling you this as a relative, I know you already know this, Madeleine: Due to the severity of the trauma to Charles' head, there is a chance that he could wake up with amnesia. As you know, this could be temporary, but it could also be permanent. I'm sorry" Doctor Byers concluded, "we'll know more if he wakes up"."If?" Lando asked as he joined me in standing."Neurosurgery is risky, but I'll keep you updated, all right, sir?" In response to Lando, Doctor Byers patted him on the shoulder. After the doctors leave, there is a moment of silence while we all try to process the information they just gave us. I was aware of the risks and dangers associated with neurosurgery, but I never thought it would be my husband on the operating table. The thought that he might wake up and have no recollection of the wonderful life we'd built together devastated me. I just can't think that way. I need to be brave for the sake of our daughters. Oh my God, the girls. Have you talked to Pascale, Dan? I ask, oblivious to the fact that Pascale is probably at home taking care of the girls."I spoke with her at the racetrack; I'll give her a call right now to give her an update"Taking my hand, Lando says, "Come on Mad's, lets go get a coffee, I think we're in for a long wait," and we leave the room as Daniel phones Pascale. We make the silent trek to the coffee maker, stumped for conversation. In comes Max, Lewis, Carlos, George, Alex, and Pierre as we hear the doors open. "Arent you guys supposed to be at the race?" The tears started rolling down my cheeks. "Race got called off, and we figured you needed us more than the vultures in the media pen" Max says as I go towards them and they all hold me in a group hug. As I return to the room for family members with Daniel, Lando fills them in on what he discussed with the doctors.I'm relieved that he's finished talking to Pascale for the time being; I didn't want her to hear me sob on the phone. "What if he doesn't remember me Dan? What if he doesn't remember the girls? He is their world, they are such daddy's girls" I sobbed as he leaned down in front of me."You cant think like that Maddie... He whispers, "He's going to be fine" as he wraps his arms around me and leads me to the couch. He holds me in his arms till I drift off to sleep. "Maddie, wake up," Lando gently shook me to say. After waking up, I look around the room to see Doctors Byers and Doctor Baker enter. "Good news... Sugery was successful. He's in the recovery stage currently. As for the amnesia, we wont know until he's awake. Madeleine, you can see him now" Doctor Byers says as I follow him down the corridor, Daniel and Lando in tow; I insisted that they come with me, not wanting to see him alone. As he pushes through the door, he announces, "Just through here." As we enter, I take a deep breath to steady myself. Seeing how frail he appeared broke my heart. After surgery, he was intubated and had a bandage wrapped around his head. The words "Oh Charles" from my lips as I sat down on the floor next to the bed and took his hand. Only my soft cries could be heard in the otherwise silent room. The other boys came in to check on Charles, but I stayed by his side the whole time. Although Maeve was too small to understand, Thea had been watching the race with Pascale and Arthur and had seen the crash, so they decided to try to make things as regular as possible for the kids by having Pascale stay at home with them and Daniel keeping her updated. Once at the hospital, Arthur sat on the opposite side of the bed."Maddie, visiting hours are over," Lando said to me as everyone was getting up to leave.A tear escaped my eye and I said, "No." "Maddie-""I'm staying, I'm not leaving him" The words "I can't leave him" came out of my mouth in a strangled sob. "It's okay, she can stay" Doctor Baker remarked, "I'll bring in a bed" as I turned back to Charles. The boys all kissed Charles' forehead and mine before saying bye. It warmed my heart to see how much they cared for Charles, especially given their reputation as race car racers.Arthur stayed the longest; I could tell he was reluctant to leave as well. He leaned down to give Charles a forehead kiss as tears streamed freely from his eyes. He came up to me and gave me an affectionate hug. He whispers, "He's a fighter Maddie, he'll be okay" and then he's gone, leaving Charles and me alone. With a soft cupped hand, I brushed my thumb over his stubble on his cheek. "Hi Baby...I'm not sure if you can hear me, so I'm probably just talking to myself right now" I laughed "I don't want to be selfish and tell you I need you to live, but I do. All of us do. Our girls need their daddy" I start crying again and plead, "Charles, we need you; I can't do this without you; please come back to me." It has been 5 days since Charles' accident and he is yet to wake up. I know I should go visit the girls, but I'm too emotionally and physically weary to leave the hospital. I haven't slept much because I'm terrified he won't remember me or the girls when he wakes up. Every day, Arthur, and sometimes the boys, have been dropping by. He arrived at the beginning of visiting hours and stayed until they ended. After the initial few days, I didn't really care about who was dropping by. Lando and Daniel have often urged me to go home and shower and change, but I've always refused. They aren't the only ones, Arthur, max and lewis have also tried but ive ignored their pleas. Max murmured softly, "You need to go home Maddie." I shook my head. As he moaned, I answered him, "No." "He would hate to see you like this, if you wont do it for yourself, at least do it for him, please" he pleads.My legs are numb after sitting for the majority of the last 5 days, but Max helps me out of the room as I say, "Fine, but I'm coming straight back" When we finally left, I ran into George, Carlos, and Alex outside. They all looked surprised and shocked to see me out of the room. "I'm going to take her home, let her change and shower, then we'll be back" max tells them."We'll take her" Daniel said as he and Lando take me into their embrace and guide me to landos car. As Lando navigates the streets of manaco on the way to our apartment, I settle into the backseat and rest my head against the window. The drive home felt like hours as my thoughts were consumed with Charles. I hate being away from him when he is lying in a hospital bed. When we get to the flat, I waste no time getting into the shower and am ready to go in under ten minutes. I throw on some grey joggers and a sweater that still has Charles's scent on it. I break into a sprint for the lounge, where I know I will see Daniel and Lando waiting for me. "Want something to eat?" Lando asks me.'No, I want to go back to the hospital,' I snap angrily.Daniel gently says, "Maddie, you haven't eaten in days."I cried out, "Please can we go back to the hospital" as I saw them exchange glances and nod. Daniel's phone begins to ring as we return to the hospital in the car.There was a voice on the other end, and he said, "Hello." Daniel puts the phone closer to me and says, "You're on speaker, Arthur." The words "Charles is starting to come round, he should be awake soon" came from Arthur's lips as I sighed with relief and fear of the unknown. "We'll be there in 5 mate" Daniel says as he hangs up. As we neared the hospital, I nervously began tapping my fingers against my leg.Without a word, Lando and Daniel followed me inside as I dashed out of the car. As we entered Charles' room, I took his hand and sat back down in the chair I'd been riveted to for the past five days. As I looked at his face, I gave the back of his hand a few gentle kisses. After about 10 minutes of general chat between the boys who were now also here, I heard groans coming from the bed and I whipped my head around."Charles? Can you hear me, baby?" I questioned softly as I asked someone to go get a doctor. The doctor returned with Max and walked up to where Charles was lying in bed."Charles, Its Doctor Byers, can you hear me?" he asks as he begins to open his eyes. He looks around for a moment before he meets my gaze. He gave me a puzzled look. Something is different. He looks down at our interlocked hands and his eyebrows furrowed. This isn't happening. This cannot be fucking happening. He released his hand from my grip and looks over to Arthur.He asks, "What happened?" as he looks away from me and around the room."You had an accident" I drown out the rest of Arthurs words as he explains to Charles what happened. He sighs and listens to Arthur's words. He looks around the room as if he is trying to spot someone. When he looks at Max, his words shatter my heart into a million pieces."Wheres charlotte?"

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