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Charles POV

As we wait for Lando to bring Thea to my driver's room, my heart is beating so rapidly that I can feel it throbbing in my ears.  This was something I'd been looking forward to since the day began, but I certainly wasn't expecting it to materialise so quickly; not that I'm complaining.The regret I feel for abandoning Madeleine without providing an explanation overwhelms me while my mind races with a million other thoughts.

"Madeleine... about cutting you off in Paris," I start, slightly clearing my throat as I feel my voice breaking due to nerves. "I never wanted to leave yo-"

"Now is not the time, Charles; come on, you are about to meet your daughter for the very first time. Let's just make the most of this time for you and Thea, and we'll talk later, okay?" Seeing her reply with such a kind and compassionate beam makes me feel terrible about how I've treated her.

I nod my head in agreement and take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves.Madeleine turns her attention to me as she hears a knock at the door.

"Are you ready to meet your daughter?" she says as she moves towards the door, waiting for my answer. Madeleine's natural inclination towards helping others, combined with her comforting demeanour and kind nature, make nursing the ideal career for her.  It wasn't until this weekend that I realised how truly pure her heart was; she had offered me care and compassion despite what I had done to her.

I can only nod; my nerves prevented me from saying anything else. I watch as Madeleine opens the door by turning the handle. There is Lando standing there with my daughter in his arms.

Madeleine whispers to her, "Hey baby girl," and reaches out to take her from Lando.

"Just let me or Dan know if you need us, okay?" he motions towards Madeleine, kissing Thea on the cheek before glaring at me and walking back out of the garage.

I was glad i wouldn't have an audience for this.  

My attention was immediately drawn to Madeleine as she turned towards me, Thea in her arms.

She looks down at Thea and points at me, saying, "Baby girl, this is your daddy" as she continues to approach me.They are now standing directly in front of me, and Thea is staring back and forth between Madeleine and me. "Can you say Daddy?" she asks Thea.

Thea says, "Daaaada" with a squeal of delight, pointing at me and smiling. My emotions are at an all-time high. It's impossible to put into words the depth of my love for this tiny girl; my chest hurts just from looking at her.

"Would you like to go give Daddy a hug?" Madeleine points in my direction. Thea reaches out her arms to me and says, "Daaada....... Daaada," suggesting that she wants to be picked up by me.

I am finally able to find my voice after I have taken her. "Hello, sweetheart... I am your daddy. I look into her eyes and whisper, "It's so nice to meet you. Mummy has been doing a great job looking after you while i've been busy, but i'm here now," I reassure her.

F1 Nurse- Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now