Chapter 26: Is it too late?

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As soon as Uncle Fester got the message from Wednesday he knew what he had to do, his unique abilities can easily track down and follow the target as quick as the flash.

And the moment he caught them he may have triggered them causing an unwanted outcome. He didn't forseen this, he didn't want this to happen too but he may have not been too careful enough.

"You imbeciles!" Fester quickly let out lighting on his finger tips hitting the bodies of the two men making them both fall on the ground twitching.

Fester then quickly ran over to Enid's body to cover up the stab wound on her stomach, he quickly then takes out a first aid kit out of his coat and quickly held on to the wounded area. Enid is whimpering and mumbling but Fester could not make words out of it.

He doesn't know how much blood Enid had lost, she needs a blood transfusion as soon as possible.

"Don't worry child I came as soon as Wednesday sent me her Raven, you were too easy to track considering those two are amateurs." Fester says as he covers Enid with his large coat it was warm enough to warm Enid's now cold body.

"you shouldn't worry, you're gonna be an Addams one day. I am sure that you will laugh at the face of danger and death." He says with his calming voice.

"I need to sleep." Enid cries trying not to doze off.

"You need to be strong! Especially for your child." Fester says

"...child?" Enid questions then black out a roar of engine was heard from the distance and he knew it was the Harley he gifted to Wednesday back then.

He felt relief but he was also scared for what's gonna come next, the screech of tires making a smoke out of it Wednesday then threw her helmet on the ground, as Yoko lands besides her.

Wednesday eyes landed on Enid, who is lying on a pool of hot red blood, Fester sighs.

"She's barely alive." Fester says as the tall vampire walk towards them, her eyes turned into a darken red hue, her fangs so sharp with one touch it can literally make your finger bleed, she was pale before but her skin was close to white as snow.

"Is it too late." Wednesday growls looking at the girl.

"Well if we're standing here it'll be too late! She needs to get to the hospital ad soon as possible." Fester says

A light shone on their very eyes, the camper that Bianca had been driving has finally arrived, they all quickly got out to see the sight of Enid half dead.

"Yoko." Wednesday says

"Take my keys and drive Enid to the nearest hospital, let my uncle guide you." She says with her low monotone voice.

Her sympathy towards Enid is not shown but Wednesday is completely blacked out with one word swirling around her head torture.

As much as they all wanted to protest they can feel a murderous aura around Wednesday and that if they stepped closer to her they will most likely die in an instance.

"Come young vampire follow me." Fester says

"I should drive the harley and you should drive my sidecar, one of you needs to hold onto that clothing that's stopping her from bleeding too much."

"I can risk that." Bianca says as she hurries over to Enid's body carrying her gently

Wednesday mind is too clouded to make sense now.

"You need to leave." She says her usual dark brown eyes is no longer seen it was more of a jet black pupil like a demon has taken over her

Fester, Yoko and the others had left the scene and before you know it, it was just dust and smoke left.

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