Chapter 3 : Oh my

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Wednesday POV

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed looking at the mirror did Enid and I just exchanged our clothes? Or did her clothes ended up in my wardrobe? This is making me fume.

I quickly unlock the bathroom and went outside to see Enid just staring.

"Oh my god." She mutters I raised my eyebrow and glared at her, I honestly don't know what to do with her she's acting so strange! Or should I just excuse her actions since she's on her cycle.

"Oh uhm I uhm, you have a bulge?" She questions, I guess I haven't told her that I was born with this, I wouldn't say it's a defect, various doctors already said that its rare but its functional and I can create my own family with it.

"Means I can create my own army and spread darkness all over the world." I whisper to myself almost forgetting the question of Enid.

"Is this your first time seeing me like this?" I asked I see her take a big gulp her eyes still gazing me, I feel a little violated of course.

"Hey! Eyes here." I snapped her back to reality and pointed my finger to my eyes.

"Your clothes are all over the place Enid! I don't know how this bra of yours ended up in my wardrobe." I said to her but she seems to be zoning out.

"What a dumbass." I sigh and sat on my bed, I noticed that it's almost dark and I don't have time to change my clothes. I haven't done an hour of writing yet and I am completey distracted by Enid.

"Is it fuctional?" Enid question out of the blue, I just looked at her and nod "So that means you can have your own kid?" I noticed her turning red and is shying away.

"According to the doctors yes." I said "but I'm too young for thinking of that anyway." I quickly sat to my desk with a fresh batch of papers a slid it into my type writer as I try and focus, I heard the door shut, I guess she went out looking at my phone it's still around 6pm and 10pm is our school's curfew, hopefully she comes back before 10.

"I actually do care about that dog." I said to myself as I start to type down my ideas.

Enid's POV

I can't believe my eyes! We've been together in the same room for over a year now! how come this is the first time that I am seeing her with that, to think about it, itmade my insides weak.

"Maybe I wasn't paying fully attention to her." I said to myself, I walked all alone in this empty hallway not sure where I am going but I guess Yoko is my last resort.

My feet ended up outside of Yoko's room, I gently knocked on the door hopefully she would answer fast.

"Oh Enid? I didn't expect your company tonight. Are you alright? Did Wednesday say something rude to you again?" Yoko said and before she knows it, I quickly barged into her room and looked around if someone else was with her.

"Girl, I'm alone! I don't have a room mate yet but I'm crossing my finger that it'll be Bianca." She chuckles the coast is clear I can finally let out what's bugging my mind now.

After a few hours of spilling the tea

"I hear that if you find a mate your eye will turn yellow, was there any instance where you may have end up in this type of situation with Wednesday?" She asked

"Oh! I remember that night! Where I was able to defeat the hyde and Wednesday gave me a tight genuine hug, she looked at me with care with those dark brown eyes of her that was for some reason glowing under the moonlight too..." I said slowly as a sudden realization hits

"She's my pair! My mate!" I gasped

"And Ajax?" She asked I completely forgot about him I should definetely text him but for the first time in 17 years of my life existing there is no network.

"I guess I'll come by to his room and try to explain things to him and hopefully he forgives?" I said knowing that for sure I'll break his stone heart into pieces.

"Girl, it's not that easy to forgive. Be careful with your choice of words too." She gave me a hug and let's out a sigh.

"I honestly can't imagine the situation you're in." She laughs how could she laugh at a the time like this I pouted at her and pushed her away.

"I'm just joking! But does Wednesday know? Your embedded to her?" She asked

"She doesn't and I don't think someone like Wednesday Addams would actually have a heart to love someone like me unlike Ajax." I said with a sad tone I looked at Yoko with my puppy eye to make her feel bad even more.

"This is giving 'I can fix her' hint." She laughed out loud even more this vampire is impossible I sigh.

"We have a complete opposite world." I sigh.

"You do, but opposite always attract." She winks and she's right it does I felt a little light of hope.

"Maybe in the future you'll have like 7 kids with her." She grins, the thought of it made me blushed I pushed her hard enough to make her fall off of the bed.

"Hey! That's totally uncalled for." She squirms I help her up and pushed her again making the vampire lay on her back.

"Payback is gonna be a bitch Sinclair." She groans I chuckled a little and waved goodbye to her.

"It's almost late, you'll never know Wednesday might be worrying about me." I smiled and closed the door behind me leaving Yoko on the floor.

As much I wanted to go and see Ajax now to break up with him, it was already getting late.

Wednesday POV

"What the fuck, it's almost 10:00PM and she hasn't come back yet? I've finished my typing a few hours ago cause I can't get her off of my mind! She usually comes back an hour early." I mutter to myself as I pace around the room, I hear the door unlock slowly as Enid comes in.

"Where have you been?" I asked with hint of worry on my voice.

"Oh and since when do you care?" She asked as she closes the door of our room. I was completely dumfounded with those words but it's true when did I actually start caring about her.

"Cat got your tongue?" She said as she walks pass me.

"You're acting weird." I said to her cause she is in fact acting weird today.

"You know you're adorable when you don't know the answer to every situation." She said

I looked at her with despise since when was I adorable? Is that even a word? I can't even believe that this is happening. I am literally lost of words towards her!

I went to bed without even saying a word towards her, maybe out of anger? I don't know, I don't fully understand emotions as far as I know it's just weakness.

I let out a sigh and let myself drift into my tiredness....

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to tap on that heart buttton

______________________________________A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to tap on that heart buttton

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