Chapter 9__Interacting

Start from the beginning

"Ameen." Me and Kulsum said together as we glanced at each other nervously.
She blinked nervously and quickly looked away.

I felt this sudden rush in my body that made my knees go weak.
For some reason I can't just tear my gaze from her.

"You know my children, no marriage is perfect. There are always complications and disagreements in every relationship. But the important thing is to have sabar and and be there for each other no matter how difficult things get. If you fulfill your duties as husband and wife correctly according to shariah, wallahi, Allah will fill your hearts with unconditional love for each other." She adviced calmly.

I shook my head gently as grandma took my hand in hers and took Kulsum's hand in other and put my palm on hers.
I felt so electrified as our hands brushed against each others and our eyes stared into each other's as I felt fireworks happening inside my chest.

"May Allah keep you both happy and may you two be together till jannah." She smiled.
I gulped as we both jolted our hands away.

Just then there was a knock on the door and my mother entered.
"Razzaq, Kulsum....guests are here!" She informed.
"We'll be right outside Anne." I replied politely.

I quickly got up and bid farewell to my grandmother as I kissed her hand and Kulsum did the same.

We got out of her room and as we were walking around the hallway, I grabbed her wrist and cornered her as I shoved her against the wall.
She jolted as she tripped but I held her firmly as she collided with my chest making my heart go wild.

"Wha- what are you doing!?" She exclaimed along with whispering.
"My uncle, means father of Emir. He and his family is very sneaky. So we need to act like a perfect happy couple in front of them. Because if they find anything suspicious, we'll be doomed." I whispered as my voice was husky.

"Okay can you please let go of my hand now!" She rolled her eyes.
I quickly let go of her hand when she tripped again and was about to fall backwards but I held her by her waist from one hand and grabbed her hand by the other.

It felt like the world has stopped as I gazed into her honey coloured eyes.
Why does she makes me feel this way!?
Even the gushes of wind seemed so soft and slow as it brushed her hijab to flow.

"Ehem!" I heard a voice from behind as I rapidly let go of her and she got back on her feet.

I turned around to see Aslihan carrying a tray in her hand and she was trying hard not to laugh.

"Aslihan! Wha- what are you doing here?" I asked nervously as I brushed my palm on my neck.
"I was just carrying this soup to grandma. Oh please don't mind me! You guys continue." She giggled as she quickly ran away towards grandma's room.

This girl! She and Zakariya won't leave any chance to embarrass me!



Kulsum's POV-

Soon the guests arrived and all of us were seated at the dining table as we ate and chatted.

Abdul Razzaq wasn't lying when he said that they're very sneaky. I constantly felt his aunt's eyes on me. God...they're so judgdy.

Although I noticed how awkward the conversation was as they all talked so formally with each other.
They behaved like they weren't family and they just met each other.

The others were still making short conversations but Abdul Razzaq and his father just kept silent.

"Kulsum yenge can you please pass the salt?" Emir requested as he smirked.
But before I could even respond him or give him, Abdul Razzaq handed over him as he glared.

Ya Allah, I swear he looks so dangerous around Emir as if he's going to rip his heart out.
Emir's eyes widened but he kept mum and just smiled awkwardly.

"So Razzaq dear, how's everything? You know with your married life." His aunt Melis asked as she smiled evily.

"Alhamdulillah very good by Allah's grace. I can't thank him enough for blessing me with such a wonderful wife." He smiled so perfectly.

And with that he leaned in closer and kissed my cheek.
He caught me so off guard that my eyes widened .
My heart ran like a mad horse!
I froze. I couldn't think of anything except feel his soft lips on my skin.

Anne- mother (in Turkish)

Important note- please don't skip the advice and duas given by Aesira Hatun (grandmother).

Heyyy guys!!!!!

So sorry I'm uploading after so long.

My vacation is over so I'll be uploading every Saturday and Sunday.

If I get time on week days I might surprise you with another chapter.

Hope you liked this chapter and if you did please vote and comment.

Thank you so much for reading.

Also if you want spoilers and reels about Abdul Razzaq and Kulsum please follow my Instagram account.

Instagram user- moonstone_booklover

Love ya'll

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