Volume 9: Displeasing Reconcilement

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*picking off the second grand bursts into the scene, king of hearts smiles seeing his little brother again after so long*

King of Hearts: Little brother. How have you been?

Grand: You have no right to call me that anymore. 

King of Hearts: Seriously? You just called me brother a second ago. 

Grand: And that will be the final time I will ever call you that. 

King of Hearts: We're family. 

Grand: It's too late for that. You don't bring that word here, not around me anymore. Because right now we're no longer family. You, me and mendara. 

King of Hearts: Then be my apprentice. My student. My slave. 

Grand: I'll never join you and the only man who I call even close to a teacher. Is meeko. 

King of Hearts: You know him? 

Grand: Yeah, I do. 

King of Hearts: Well isn't that just neat and perfect. Lucky me, I'm so proud that my own little brother lead me to my target. 

Grand: I said don't call me that. 

King of Hearts: By the way, How's mendara? 

Grand: Ask her yourself. 

*then king of hearts turns around to notice mendara broke the prison cell where yvonne, kroosyuu and jammee were held captive*

Mendara: I'm disappointed, Hearts. 

King of Hearts: No "I'm so happy to see you" anymore? Such a shame. 

Mendara: We aren't happy to see you! You lied to us! 

King of Hearts: Yet you believed it. Who was really at the wrong here? The liar or the idiot who chose to believe that lie? *smirks*

Mendara: Shut up! You said you were out of the country trying to work your ass off for money yet you're here?! 

King of Hearts: You should be happy that I'm here. 

Grand: We aren't. 

Mendara: You're not the brother I once knew. 

*king of hearts looks at them without any care in his eyes*

Grand: Wait... How do you know Meeko? 

King of Hearts: He is the real monster here. Yet you two are acting like I'm the villain in this story?! 

Mendara: What monster? He didn't do anything to you. 

King of Hearts: You really are blind. Can't you see what type of disease he is? He is a complete villain and I will rid of him so I can make this world a better place to live for people like you and I. Little sister. 

Mendara: You're insane. 

King of Hearts: You really don't know what you're doing at all. This is the exact reason why I left you and grand on your own. 

*grand looks at king of hearts then punches him in the face, mendara then uses her powers to knock king of hearts back into a wall*

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