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As the divine family found themselves in an important meeting, they understood the need to maintain a professional and serious atmosphere. However, with young Jennie's playful nature still intact, they faced the challenge of keeping her engaged while ensuring she behaved appropriately.

Zeus, taking on the role of a responsible father, gently addressed Jennie's enthusiasm, trying to guide her towards a more subdued behavior.

Zeus: "Jennie, my little one, we are in an important meeting now. Let's try to be quiet and listen attentively, just like the grown-ups."

Jennie, initially filled with boundless energy, looked up at her father, understanding the importance of the situation. She tried her best to contain her excitement, although her eyes still sparkled with mischief.

Galleria, sensing Jennie's struggle, reached out and held her hand, providing a calming presence and a gentle reminder to remain focused.

Galleria: "Sweetheart, let's sit together and be patient. We can talk and play afterwards, but for now, let's be respectful and attentive during the meeting."

As the meeting progressed, Prometheus would glance over at Jennie from time to time, witnessing her genuine attempts to behave and participate. Her youthful energy and innocence would tug at his heart, making it difficult for him to suppress a smile.

In moments when Jennie would inadvertently do something adorable or make a subtly amusing comment, Prometheus would find his lips curling into a small smile. He would quickly cover it up, suppressing his laughter and maintaining a composed expression, ensuring that he didn't disrupt the proceedings.

Prometheus's silent support would be evident to Jennie, even without words. She would catch glimpses of his warm and amused gaze, providing her with reassurance and encouragement to continue behaving appropriately.

After the meeting, when they were in a more relaxed setting, Prometheus would approach Jennie, unable to contain his amusement any longer.

Prometheus: "Jennie, my dear, you were absolutely delightful during the meeting. Your sweetness and innocence bring so much joy to our family."

Jennie, aware of Prometheus's struggle to keep a straight face, would giggle and playfully respond.

Jennie: "I knew you were trying not to laugh, Papa Prometheus! But it was so hard to sit still when I wanted to play!"

Prometheus would chuckle, finally allowing himself to express his amusement freely.

Prometheus: "You truly are a ray of sunshine, Jennie. Your youthful spirit brings light into our lives. Let's embrace that playfulness now and enjoy some quality time together."

And with that, the divine family would embark on a playful adventure, cherishing the balance between seriousness and lightheartedness that defined their bond. Prometheus's silent appreciation for Jennie's innocence would serve as a reminder of the beauty found in the different facets of their familial connection.

As the meeting concluded, Jennie's playful nature surged once again, and she sought attention from her sister, Jisoo. Filled with affection, Jennie attempted to persuade Jisoo to engage in some post-meeting playtime. She snuggled into Jisoo's arm and planted sweet kisses on her cheeks, hoping to melt her sister's serious facade.

Jennie: "Jisoo-unnie, let's play together! We can have so much fun!"

Jisoo, trained in combat and accustomed to maintaining a serious demeanor, tried her best to suppress a smile. She looked at Jennie with her hands together, attempting to appear stern despite the warmth that emanated from her eyes.

Queen Olympus || The Underworld's Deal IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora