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'Hesione Pronoia stood on the edge of a towering cliff, her back pressed against the rough surface. The wind howled around her, carrying a sense of foreboding. Before her, a sinister figure emerged from the shadows, his presence dripping with malevolence.

As Hesione's eyes met the cold gaze of her assailant, a mixture of fear and defiance flickered across her face. She knew her fate hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of life and death.

In a moment of chilling brutality, the man lunged forward, his hand closing around Hesione's delicate throat. The grip tightened, cutting off her breath, and she gasped for air, her eyes wide with terror. With a swift and merciless stroke, the man drew a sharp blade across her throat, releasing a torrent of scarlet that cascaded down her neck.

Time seemed to slow as Hesione's lifeblood spilled forth, staining her clothes and the ground beneath her. The world around her blurred, her senses fading, as the weight of her mortality settled upon her.

In that final moment, as her strength waned, Hesione's eyes met the vast expanse of the ocean below. The sea, once a symbol of tranquility, now witnessed her tragic demise. The last breath escaped her lips, carried away by the wind, and her lifeless body plummeted from the cliff's edge, disappearing into the depths of the restless waves.'

The sudden scene replayed in her memory and the it disappeared, leaving Galleria clueless as the fates appeared out of thin air.

Galleria, her heart heavy with grief and desperation, fell to her knees before the Fates, her voice trembling with anguish. Tears streamed down her face as she implored the ancient beings for answers, her words choked with emotion.

"Oh, mighty Fates," she cried out, her voice echoing through the realm. "What more do you want from me? Why must the burden of revenge weigh upon my shoulders? My mother's death was a tragedy, a loss that has shattered my world. I beg you, reveal the purpose behind this suffering, the reason for my relentless torment. What have you done to me title of bravery? What have you done to me "

Silence hung in the air, and for a moment, it seemed as though Galleria's pleas would go unanswered. But then, a haunting whisper carried on the wind, the voice of the Fates resonating in her ears.

"Your mother's death was but the beginning, Galleria," they intoned, their words laced with an eerie certainty. "It was not enough to satiate the hunger for vengeance against your father. Now, it is you who shall deliver him into despair. You shall suffer the same fate as your mother, for the cycle of pain must be fulfilled."

Galleria's heart sank at the cruel revelation. The weight of her mother's tragedy had been unbearable, but now she realized that her own life was destined to follow a path of suffering and sacrifice. The Fates had decreed her fate, binding her to a destiny that seemed unbearably cruel.

But even in the face of such despair, Galleria's spirit flickered with a newfound determination. She would not succumb to the Fates' design without a fight. With grit and defiance, she vowed to challenge her predetermined fate, to seek a way to break the cycle of pain and forge her own path, free from the chains of vengeance and despair.

Rising from her knees, Galleria squared her shoulders and met the gaze of the Fates, her voice filled with a newfound resolve. "I refuse to be a mere pawn in your game," she declared, her words filled with determination. "I will find a way to transcend this predetermined path, to reclaim my own destiny. No matter the cost, I will carve my own future and defy the fate you have ordained for me."

In the dimly lit chamber, Zeus entered to find Galleria hunched over, her delicate frame trembling with sorrow. His footsteps faltered as he approached her, a mixture of anger and sadness swirling within him. Conflicting emotions clouded his judgment, unsure of how to react to the sight of Galleria's tear-stained face.

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