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Galleria and Zeus found themselves in the midst of a council gathering in Olympus when suddenly, Galleria felt a sharp pain accompanied by a gush of liquid. Gasping for air, she instinctively reached out and clung onto Zeus's arm for support, her clenched fists revealing her discomfort.

Galleria: "Oh! Zeus... Something's happening."

The council chamber fell into a hushed silence as the other Olympians turned their attention to Galleria, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern. Athena, ever quick-witted and knowledgeable, recognized the signs and immediately sprang into action.

Athena: "Quickly! Summon the midwives and guide the King and Queen to a chamber."

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Athena swiftly called for the midwives and guided Zeus and Galleria to a nearby chamber. With the help of Zeus, who quickly scooped Galleria into his arms, they made their way to the designated birthing area.

In the midst of the commotion, their daughter Jisoo, a young and curious goddess in her own right, sensed the tension in the air. Fear washed over her, and she ran towards her parents, seeking their comfort and reassurance.

Jisoo: "Mother! Father! What's happening? I'm scared."

Galleria, still in discomfort but determined to provide comfort to her daughter, extended her free arm and beckoned Jisoo closer.

Galleria: "Come here, my sweet Jisoo. Everything will be alright. Your sibling is on their way into the world."

Jisoo, finding solace in her mother's words, hurriedly embraced both Galleria and Zeus, seeking the warmth and reassurance of their presence.

Zeus: "We're here for you, Jisoo. Your mother is strong, and we will soon welcome a new member to our family."

The midwives, summoned by Athena's prompt action, arrived promptly. They approached Galleria with calm expertise, offering soothing words not only to Galleria but also to Jisoo, who remained close to her parents.

Jisoo nodded each time she spoke to her, her wide eyes filled with a mixture of excitement and concern. She held onto her parents' hands, finding comfort in their touch as the labor progressed.

The midwives worked diligently, guiding Galleria through the labor process with skill and compassion. Galleria, with Zeus and Jisoo by her side, drew strength from their unwavering support, her determination unwavering.

As time ticked by, the room filled with a mix of tension and anticipation. Galleria's strength and resilience shone through, her focus unwavering as she brought new life into the realm of Olympus.

And then, finally, the moment arrived. With one final push, Galleria's efforts bore fruit as the cries of their newborn child filled the air. Exhausted but elated, Galleria and Zeus shared a tearful embrace, their hearts overflowing with joy and relief.

The midwives carefully placed the newborn in Galleria's arms, the child's arrival marking a moment of pure bliss. Galleria and Zeus marveled at their beautiful creation, their child, feeling an overwhelming rush of love and awe.

Jisoo, wide-eyed and filled with wonder, approached her parents and gently peered at her new sibling, her initial fear replaced by curiosity and adoration.

Jisoo: "Is this my little brother or sister? They're so small and precious."

Galleria smiled warmly, her heart swelling with love for both her children.

Galleria: "This is your sibling, Jisoo. You're now a big sister, and together, we will create countless memories as a family."

As the news of the birth spread throughout Olympus, the council chamber buzzed with excitement and celebration. The other Olympians, initially taken aback by the sudden turn of events, now reveled in the miracle that had taken place.

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