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I stood in my bedroom with Hera infront of me, staring back at me. We had been arguing for 1 hour straight at this point. The wound i had would scar but a queen always turns pain into power.

"Sometimes we have to go down in flames to feel the burn, to know the fire, to be the ash ... and then come back to life in the smoke that rises." I told her

I had managed to make her emotional again.

"I'm sorry I really am, I thought you were going to hurt me fore being powerless!" She in that moment broke out in tears

I shook my head now realising I would have done the same thing if I though I would've ended up dead if I didn't.

"I don't kill the innocent." I said

"But I'm not innocent!" She cried and fell to her knees

She took the bottom of my sleep wear just like Athena had done and cried on it.

"People compare you to the sun for your beauty! I'm stuck as an evil step-mother!" She shouted

I knew they were wrong. I was no sun but I was the moonlight.

"Start over, my darling. Be brave enough to find the life you want and courageous enough to chase it. Then start over and love yourself the way you were always ment to." I told her
She looked up at me.

"What about Zeus?"

"The hand that professes to love you, will be the same you to poison you."

"And what will you do about it?" She said as she doed her eyes

"He will fear me." I smirked

She stood up hugged me. I felt her smile so I smiled aswell. I felt bad for her. I honestly did. Zeus put her through so much and she thought everyone was going to hurt her but I swore I would be there to protect her as her sister-in-law.

"Welcome to the family then." She said admirably

I chuckled.

I went to the balcony for a fresh air after that. Memories filled my head while I stared at the familiar cliff.


"Run Galleria!"

"You are to bee punished!"

I shivered at the thoughts and looked to the sea.

I was always fascinated by the ocean. It held so many stories, some  know, some unknown. Now that i think about it life itself is like the sea. It moves us, shapes us, supports us, and awakens us to new shores. In fact in my eyes I see that life teaches us to be like ocean ourselves – strong yet calm, steady yet yielding, subtle yet beautiful. We have all have a purpose. Even the smallest pebble on the ocean floor has a purpose in the greater picture. Let every action be one of intention and meaning.

"We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something." A  voice suddenly said

I was quick to identify the person for his voice was as deep and calm as the ocean itself. I didn't reply. Memories filled my head once more and even though I was told he does it just to get the throne, I knew I would much rather prefer Poseidon as my husband.

He chuckled in response and leaned onto the railing with his arms crossed. I knew he had been reading my mind the entire time but I didn't care. Even if I were so powerful now I was not as free as the ocean and I still yearned for it.

"The ocean fascinates you?" Poseidon asked me

"Yes ... it does."

His expression turned into one full of pity.

Queen Olympus || The Underworld's Deal IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora