16. Consequences

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He dropped on to the ground near the bench where Jimin was sitting and laid down on his back, his breathing heavy and laboured. Jimin looked over the bench at him and grinned.

"I think you can win this season on your own TaeTae. You only need us to fill the field." Jimin giggled. "At this rate we would probably only stand around and watch you do all the work."

Tae snorted "I wouldn't have to if you guys cared to move your fat asses."

"Yah! My ass is boney." Hobi groaned from the ground behind the bench.

Taehyung laughed. "What the hell are you doing back there?"

"I fell here and now I'm too tired to move." Hobi whined and Jimin laughed, almost falling off the bench in mirth.

Taehyung snorted again and turned onto his side, trying to ease the stitch that was caught there.

"Damn, its very hot today, isn't it?" He asked as sweat soaked through his t-shirt . He sat up and pulled it off his head and then he shook his hair - which was plastered to his head - with one hand.

A few girls who had been watching the practice from the bleachers, squealed in delight.

"Uhm.... Probably got even hotter for them" Jimin chuckled.

Taehyung ignored the girls and continued to wipe the sweat off his face with his t-shirt.

Jimin handed him a bottle of water which he promptly grabbed and poured half onto his head to cool off and drank the rest.

The girls were screaming now, calling his name, trying to get his attention. He turned away.

Jimin frowned at him. Usually, Tae would get shy or wave at the girls or wink at them, making them swoon while he laughed, the cocky bastard. Today, he just looked annoyed, as if he didn't care about the attention he was getting from them.

Taehyung's phone rang but he ignored it.

"You should get it. It's been going off non stop for the past 20 minutes." Jimin said pushing Taehyung's bag towards him.

Tae frowned and unzipped the bag, pulling out his phone. He hurriedly answered the call when he saw it was from Rafe, his lawyer.

Was he finally free?

"Hey!" Tae answered. "Sorry I'm at practice."

"You need to come to the office, Tae." Rafe said, his tone sombre.

"What's wrong?" Tae asked curiously.

"I'll tell you when you get here."  Rafe answered.

"Tell me." Tae insisted.

"Your plea was rejected."


Jungkook sat down at the conference table with his lawyer as they waited for Taehyung to show up. Rafe had informed them that he was at practice and will be in a bit late.

They had been informed of the plea being rejected, but Beckett had said it was none of their concern, since it had been filed without his consent. However, Rafe had requested them to come to the office because there were a few more things that he wanted to discuss face to face.

So here he sat now, waiting for his husband to show up. He still couldn't get used to the fact that Kim Taehyung was his husband. He also couldn't get over how he seemed to hate him now. They had settled into a comfortable friendship before the wedding and Jungkook would be lying if he said he didn't miss it, the teasing and the light hearted banter had come to mean more to him than he had realised. But now he was forced to avoid him.

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