8. Reconciliation

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After a long restless night of tossing and turning - because of Jungkook's weird behaviour for Tae, because of Tae's stupid girlfriend for Jungkook and wedding jitters for Jimin and Yoongi - the boys had all met for brunch the next day.

The food was good and so was the music, but the atmosphere.... the atmosphere was extremely glum. Because two of their biggest party animals had turned into party poopers.

It irked Jimin beyond belief.

He sat beside Taehyung while Jungkook sat opposite him. He looked between the two, who refused to look at each other, concentrating on their food instead.

He had been very happy that his two friends were getting along so well, but now, it seemed he'd gotten too happy too soon. Did they have a falling out somehow? They had looked cozy enough on the flight. What had gone wrong between then and now?

Jimin sighed. He'd have to do something about it and fast. He didn't want this to put a damper on the wedding. He was stressed enough as it is.

The best way to get them talking, would be to give them a task they'd have to do together. Jimin smiled, he knew just the thing!

"Tae Tae." He called, tugging on his best friend's arm.

Taehyung looked up at him, his mouth still turned down in a slight frown.

"We will get the honeymoon suite in less than an hour." Jimin reminded him. "You need to go check in and get everything ready." Jimin raised his brows, looking at him pointedly.

"Uhm... yeah, about that. Do you need me to, you know...." He cleared his throat, uncomfortably "decorate the bed and stuff?"

"Wow. You are so thoughtful, Taehyungie. Thank you so much." Jimin side hugged him, smiling to himself. He really surprised himself sometimes, at how easily he could manipulate people if he tried, he chuckled lightly.

They pulled away and Tae still looked uncomfortable as his eyes shifted between Jimin and Yoongi. He knew Tae was still coming to terms with the whole thing, but he was trying and Jimin was very grateful for that.

"Why don't you take Jungkook with you? He's the best man too, and he knows what Yoongi likes." Jimin looked at Jungkook, who's fork had just clattered on to his plate as he stared at Jimin with wide eyes.

"Uh... I'm sure he doesn't need anyone's help. He's quite capable of handling this himself, right Kim?" Jungkook asked, glaring at him.

Taehyung cleared his throat again "Actually I'm completely out of my depth here." He admitted, looking up at Jungkook from beneath his thick lashes.

Who in the world, could resist those eyes? He thought miserably.

"Fine." Jungkook's shoulders slumped.

Jimin clapped happily and his eyes disappeared into beautiful crescent moons as he smiled widely at the duo.

Not the eye smile! Jungkook groaned. Between the two of them, they'd have him become a simpering mess.

"Let's go check if the room is ready." Tae said softly.

"Okay" Jungkook agreed, getting up from his chair.

Jimin waved them off, mentally congratulating himself for putting the perfect plan in action.

"Let's hope the hotel is still standing by the end of the day, huh? I hope they don't burn it down along with themselves in it." Yoongi commented from beside him.

"Oh, stop it. They will be perfectly fine. I'm sure by the end of the day, they will be hanging out like old friends." Jimin insisted. "Jungkook has a very cute kink, where he needs to be liked by everyone he meets and Taehyung has a thing for cuteness. They'll be back to giggling and inside jokes in no time, I bet you." Jimin said, staring after the two men who were walking away, with as much distance as was possible between them without seeming impolite.

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