17. Moving day

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Jungkook looked around his room which was stripped bare.

Everything he owned was packed into boxes. He was planning to move out soon anyway since Jimin had moved in with Yoongi hyung full time. He was welcome to stay of course, and either of them were too sweet to say anything but Jungkook wanted to give them their space. Especially since the whole 'kiss' fiasco, he had decided it would be in everyone's best interest to simply keep his distance from Jimin. 

"You ready, bud?" Yoongi asked from the doorway.

"How can I ever be ready to not only leave you guys but to move in with him?" Jungkook asked back. "It feels surreal you know. I had looked and admired him from afar for so long and now, I am not only married to him but also moving in with him! What are the odds?"

Yoongi chuckled. "Give him hell for me, wont you?"

"Hyung...." Jungkook called softly making Yoongi look up at him. "I am scared."


Jungkook wasn't sure how to answer that. He just knew the fluttery feeling in the pit of his stomach that made him want to throw up.

He shook his head.

"You'll be fine, Jungkookie. Before the year is up, he'll fall in love with you, I just know it." Yoongi said with confidence, making Jungkook blush.

Yoongi wasn't really sure if someone like Tae was even capable of love but that wasn't important right now. All that mattered was what Jungkook thought. For as long as Yoongi had known the younger, he had only heard him speak of the gorgeous falcon he had fallen in love with when he was just fourteen, no one could hold a torch to the epitome of beauty that Taehyung was in Jungkook's eyes. Everything he had done since then, was to lead himself to meet Tae again. His dream had come true after years of waiting and pining and working his ass off. But the latest developments had left the younger shaken up and vulnerable. So if a little white lie would make his best friend smile, Yoongi wouldn't hesitate to speak it.

"Guys, the movers are here" Jimin called from the living room, drawing Yoongi out of his thoughts.

"If you need anything......." Yoongi started uncomfortably.

"You will be the first one I call, I promise." Jungkook answered.

Yoongi stepped closer and Jungkook threw himself on his hyung, hugging him tightly.

Yoongi patted his back "You'll be fine"

Jimin walked in and stood looking at the two with a fond smile on his face until they broke apart reluctantly.

"We will miss you around here, Jungkookie. You know you'll always have a place here with us, right?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook nodded and gave him a short awkward side-hug. It bothered Jimin but he didn't comment on it. It wasn't the younger's fault after all, Jimin had ruined things between them, even though he hadn't meant to.

"I'll miss you both." Jungkook said walking to the door  as the movers came in picking up the boxes and loading them into the van.

"We are coming with you, for now." Jimin said.

"What? Seriously?"

Yoongi nodded, picking up his car keys.

Jungkook felt relieved. He had been dreading going into the tiger's den all alone. Who knew what could be waiting for him? Tae had seemed furious about the judge's ruling a week ago. Though he did have the last week to come to terms with it, Jungkook wasn't sure he would be completely on board so soon.

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