16. Consequences

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Taehyung was sweating buckets as he ran laps around the field. The stitch in his side was painful but he ignored it and pushed forward. He needed the activity, he had gotten too lax over the break, barely working out, stress eating rubbish and drinking too much. He needed to get back in shape.

Spring break was officially over and they had started practice for the upcoming soccer season. He was going to be on top of his game, it was drafting season. If he played his cards right, he would be playing professionally this time next year. He wasn't going to let anyone or anything stand in the way of his dream.

Not even a certain raven haired bunny who was making him question everything about himself.

He pushed through his fifth lap even though most of the team had given up and was lying down on the ground wherever possible, panting and wheezing.

He hadn't seen Jungkook in days, since the whole fiasco at Jimin's dorm. The boy had stayed away from him. Even when they had all met up at their favourite sports bar, Jungkook was disturbingly missing. The fact, that he had not only noticed his absence but felt disappointed by it, irritated him. Also, that it all seemed intentional was grating on his nerves.

Was he avoiding him on purpose?

Rafe had told him that Jungkook's lawyer hadn't made any claim for the company's shares yet. It made him uneasy to be honest, not knowing what the younger was after. Why hadn't he claimed the share? It would easily make him a multimillionaire. He must have done his research by now, found out how much Taehyung was actually worth. Yet, he hadn't claimed it. Jungkook must know that they would get divorced either way, why was he still holding on then?

Was he expecting to gain more by staying married?

Taehyung's lungs burned but his legs kept moving. His mind was wandering but since that distracted him from the pain in his lungs and thighs, he let it wander freely.

He saw Jimin give up at one point and claim a bench on the side. He was completely out of breath and fell like dead log on to the ground and then crawled up on to the bench.

He missed seeing his friend around. Jimin had moved in with Yoongi last week and Tae missed him terribly since he mostly used to hang out with Jimin at his dorm. He obviously couldn't go over to Yoongi's to hang out. So he was left in his huge-ass, empty apartment all alone.

His breaths had turned painful now. Every inhale burned and every exhale hurt.

Almost there.

Just fifty more meters. Come on, Tae! He pepped himself up.

Once he had crossed the finish line however, he didn't stop, heading straight for the hurdles. He'd need an ice bath after this, he knew it, but he was okay with that. He needed to push himself.

"Nothing comes easy, nothing is free, everything comes at a price, if you want it, you work for it and you earn it." His father's voice echoed through his mind. The man hadn't raised his son to quit so easily.

He was panting as he quickly stepped through the little rings on the ground, balancing on his tippy toes, his feet moving so fast, they were a blur.

His teammates watched him in awe as he cleared the hurdle and moved to the next one, zigzagging through the markers. Three more rounds through them and he was just about ready to collapse but he didn't slow down, quickly moving on to the next one instead.

He ran to the soccer ball placed in the middle of the field and lightly kicked the ball, smoothly manoeuvring it in circles around the strategically placed cones on the field.  When he had reached the last cone, he swerved the ball and kicked it right into the goal post. His team cheered and he laughed, jogging towards Jimin.

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