20. Not Again

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A/N: Double Update as promised.
Make sure you read Chapter 19 first.
Enjoy 😉

This chapter is dedicated to scarletpeaches97
Thank you for your support 💜

Tae was parched, his mouth tasted like saw dust. Every breath of air grated against his throat, making him want to stop breathing entirely and then had him gasping for air the next moment. His throat burned and his head felt like someone had taken a hammer-jack to it.

He needed to stop drinking.

He felt a soft but insistent vibration against his thigh and groaned as he felt around his legs to pull his phone out from his denim pocket.

He held it close to his face and managed to open one eye to stare at it.

***Alarm 06:00 AM***
Practice @ 7:00 am - the reminder read.

He turned off the alarm and let the phone fall off his hands. As his vision cleared it landed straight on the gorgeous face next to him. It was puffy and squished on one side. Yet, it was the prettiest thing Tae had ever seen.

His full lips were parted and Tae had to fight the urge to kiss them. The mole under his lips almost had him undone. His eyes caressed his entire face longingly before his rational mind caught up to the present.

Why the fuck was he in bed with him?

Tae bolted upright.

He felt the heaviness of Jungkook's arm which was obviously draped around his waist, fall onto his lap as he sat up.

Looking around, he realised he wasn't in his room at all. He looked at their legs tangled under the blanket and his heart picked up pace.

He tried to free himself but the bunny only seemed to tighten his hold.

Had they....?

He had come home very drunk last night and all of the events were a little hazy.

He quickly ran his hands over himself. Thankfully, he was still fully dressed in yesterday's clothes. He turned to look at the sleeping giant next to him. He was dressed too, his tshirt had ridden up, revealing his toned waist. Taehyung averted his gaze and lifted the blanket and continued to carefully untangle their legs without waking the boy beside him.

Once he was free, he jumped off the bed, landing wrong. He bit his lips as he stifled a groan of pain. He looked back to make sure the bunny was still sleeping and hobbled away sneakily to the bathroom.

Jungkook woke to his alarm. It was blaring out loud and he couldn't locate his phone fast enough to turn it off. He huffed as he got on to his knees and lifted up his pillow looking for the offending gadget that wouldn't stop ringing. He finally found it buried deep in the blanket and turned it off. He groaned, wanting to just fall back on to his pillow again but he had practice today and it was Friday so he could sleep all he wanted tomorrow.

He looked around as last night's events slowly came back to him. Tae had helped him to bed and if he wasn't mistaken, he had slept here too.

Jungkook smiled but then it fell the very next moment. Would he act the same way he had that horrid morning? Blaming Jungkook for seducing him into his bed?

He could hear some shuffling and other sounds from the kitchen. He needed to get out of bed, he crawled out backwards out of bed and dragged his feet to walk out to the kitchen.

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