Chapter 33

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Ryder's pov

We are finally here. According to Nick, his father doesn't keep a large number of guards here, which is to our advantage.

Our team consists of Jason, five warriors, doctor Simon and me.

We have already eliminated the four guards further away and now there are two left guarding the entrance to the bunker. We've covered our scent so they don't know we're here.

We crept closer and prepared to attack.

"- again? How long can Alpha keep fighting with that omega? He will come out and look just as bad as the other times." One of the guards said and the other laughed.

"That's right! I have to say that cutie is quite a fiery fighter. Maybe Alpha will let us play with him too when he gets tired of him."

My blood boiled and I was at their side in no time, snapping one guards neck and my extended claws slicing open another's throat.

"Check the area. Simon stay close. I'll take care of the Alpha." I told the others and went inside.

"Let's kill that Alpha." Jax growled.

Kayden's pov

Cold. So damn cold.

I don't know how long I've been here because there are no windows in this little room. I lay on the thin dirty mattress naked, wounded and wondering how much longer I could take this.

I never thought Kyle would be such a monster. He has done everything he can to break me. He has isolated Kai from me with injections, he has abused me, he has raped me and tried to mark me against my will.

I guess his ego couldn't take it when I didn't submit to him. As soon as I woke up here and knew my pack was safe I let him see that my nature would not change no matter what he did.

I don't submit to anyone unless I want to.

I let out a deep sigh and tried to change my position, my whole body ached but I had to gather my strength to face him again.

Oh, how I missed my kids and my brother. I hope they are all well. I missed Kai, I'm glad he's not suffering with me, but I wouldn't feel so lonely if he was with me. And Ryder.. I can't even think about him, it hurts too much.

Suddenly there was a soft thump. Not again.. I've already learned that that sound is the sound of the door of this place closing, so he's coming again.

I struggled to get up and tried to ignore how much I was hurting. And soon the door to the room opened and Kyle entered.

"Hello my mate. How are you?" Kyle smiled. Sick bastard. I responded with a growl.

Kyle was in front of me quickly and pinned me against the wall. My back hurt like hell but I refused to show my pain to him.

"Still stubborn, huh? I'm ready to break your every bone and use you as I please until you understand your place. It would be much easier for you if you would just submit and be my mate." Kyle said right in front of my face I tried not to gag.

"I am not and I will never be your mate, you sick bastard!" I yelled at him and spat in his face.

Kyle growled and slapped me. I fell to the mattress from the force of the blow and he was on top of me in a second. He continued beating me. I got a couple of good hits on him myself, but eventually I ran out of strength.

"You will submit!" Kyle roared and punched my face repeatedly. I felt my face start to swell and I tasted blood in my mouth. Soon I couldn't see properly and I thought he was going to kill me in the end.

Just as I was about to pass out, the weight lifted off of me and I heard a growl, but I was too tired and sore to move. I just want to sleep.

"Kayden!" I heard and felt hands on my skin. I won't let him touch me again, I would rather die!

With my last will to fight, I started to fight back. I couldn't see properly but I hit and scratched everything I can.

Finally he grabbed me so that my hands were stuck. "NO! Don't touch me!" I screamed and writhed in his grip.

"Calm down! Kayden it's me Ryder!"

I stood still. "R-Ryder?"

"I'm here, please calm down." He said calmly and let go of me. I turned around and tried to get my eyes open properly.

Finally, when I succeeded, he really was in front of me. My mate. He came to save me. I looked at Kyle lying on the ground with blood coming out from his throat. A cry choked my throat and I collapsed into Ryder's arms.

"Shh baby, everything is fine. Let's go home." Ryder said looking at me lovingly. I nodded but there was a loud bang and Ryder's eyes widened. A red stain began to appear on his chest and Ryder fell to the ground.

I looked at him horrified and then at Kyle. He looked at me and smiled, there was a gun on the ground next to him.

"I-if I can't have you-" he coughed up blood and took a deep breath "n-neither can he." He laughed until he finally choked on his blood.

"Ryder! Help!" I screamed and tried to stop the bleeding. Ryder was unconscious and his breathing was labored. "Wake up Ryder!"

That's when Doctor Simon rushed into the room, he looked at me and quickly turned his back.

"I'm sorry Luna!" He said and I didn't understand what he was apologizing for until I realized I was still naked.

"For fuck sake Simon! Now is not the time to be afraid of nudity! Help him, now!" I yelled at him and he hurried over to Ryder's side.

"This is bad. Judging by the wound, the bullet contained wolfbane." He said and continued to nurse Ryder.

"You can do something right!?" I asked in desperation.

"Yes, but I don't think we can get to the hospital in time, the poison spreads too fast. Except.."

"Except for what!? Tell Simon!" I demanded him.

Simon looked at me strangely.

"The mate bond is a strong thing. It can slow down the spread of the poison. If you mark him he can-"

I didn't finish listening to him, I immediately sunk my teeth into Ryder's neck and claimed him as mine. I closed the wound and whispered to him.

"I, Kayden Jones, accept you Ryder Miller as my mate and my Alpha."

I felt our bond repair and smiled tiredly.

"Luna?" Someone said but I was really tired.

I'm finally free. Ryder will survive, he must survive.

Several people came into the room, but I couldn't find out who they were. I finally fell to the ground next to Ryder.


I closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness.

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