Chapter 25

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Kayden's pov

The whole morning has been quite chaotic. As soon as we had eaten breakfast with the kids, we discussed yesterday's events and my panic attack. Now I still have to assure them that they have nothing to worry about when I'm going to talk to Ryder.

"Well, your dad will come here soon to talk with me, so I want you to go to your own room and put on your clothes. After I have talked to him, he can spend time with you too" I told them.

Cassie was immediately excited to go pick out clothes so that she would look her best when she officially met her dad, but Xander looked pensive and grumpy.

And as Cassie ran off to their room I stopped Xander and asked him to sit on my lap.

"What's wrong Xander?" I asked him.

"I don't want to see him. He hurt you" he whispered after a long silence.

"Xander, I want you to listen to me carefully now. What has happened between me and your dad before must not affect your relationship or your thoughts about him. He is your dad and I want you to connect. Even though I'm still mad at him doesn't mean you can't like your dad. His wolf is a great Alpha and I think Ryder is not a bad Alpha either. You could learn a lot from him because one day you will inherit your place as Alpha. Promise me you'll give him a chance and behave well when you're with him? He's already lost eight years of your life, so let him get to know you." I said looking at him.

Xander was thoughtful for a long time until he looked at me, smiled a little and said

"Because of you daddy, I promise to be good, I love you."

Aaww my poor heart, how did I deserve such amazing kids.

"I love you too buddy, now go get ready." I said watching him leave the room. I sat quietly in the kitchen for a while when suddenly I heard a clearing of the throat. Ryder stood in the doorway, he looked surprised.

"When did you come?" I asked him.

"Just now, is it a bad time?" He asked nervously.

"No, just come over and I'll make us coffee." I got up and started making coffee. I clearly heard Ryder enter the room and sit down on the bench.

I tried to keep my nervousness hidden and focus on what I was going to say to him.

"It's going well Kayden. We talked about this yesterday and I believe that this is the right solution. Although we have a lot of work ahead of us." Kai told me.

"I hope you're right and we won't regret this." I answered and poured the coffee into the cups and returned to the table.

I looked Ryder straight in the eyes and he looked like he was having trouble making eye contact. He is really nervous.

"I want to say right away that my collapse yesterday will not happen again, I was in shock and my emotions were a mess. I meant everything I said yesterday, but I want to handle this without arguing. So, what do you want to say?" I asked him.

Ryder looked down at the coffee cup and thought for a long time before speaking

"First of all, I want to apologize for everything wrong I've ever done towards you. And I'm really, really sorry about what happened before you left our pack. I know it's no reason, but I was really drunk and I didn't remember the events of that evening until much later. I can never apologize enough for that" Ryder's voice broke and he paused and even I was having trouble keeping my expression serious.

"And I know it's hard to believe, b-but I really do love you. These eight years have been one of pain, the worst years of my life. I-I really wish you and the kids would come with me today so we could sort things out and then move on together" he said, his voice shaking and still not making eye contact.

"We are not coming with you. I-" I didn't manage to finish my sentence when suddenly Ryder jumped up from the bench and kneeled in front of me.

"Please Kayden don't do this! I need you, I need you and the kids. Please." Ryder said in distress and I could see his eyes watering.

"Ryder what are you doing!? Get up." I said in panick because Alpha never kneels in front of anyone.

"No. I want you to know that you are the only one to whom I can submit and I want you to know that I consider you as my equal. You can punish me for the past as long as you want, however you want, but please come with me. I can't live without you anymore, without the kids, now that I've finally found you." Ryder said desperately and a tear escaped his eye as he looked at me praying.


"If you don't come for me, wouldn't you like to see your family and friends?" He asked.

"Wow that was low even for you" I answered him.

"But it worked, didn't it?" He asked with a sad smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him "We're not coming with you" I said and Ryder's smile disappeared "not today" I continued.

Ryder looked at me confused for a moment until understanding showed on his face
"that was mean" he said.

"Maybe, but you deserved it. I want you to give me a week to sort things out here and then we'll come. I also hope you don't tell anyone but your parents about us because I want to surprise Caleb and my friends." I said.

"Do you promise that you will definitely come?" He asked suspiciously.

"You found me, us. I have no reason to run anymore." I answered him seriously.

Ryder quickly got up and was coming to hug me but I flinched away, Ryder looked hurt.

"I-I'm sorry but don't touch me. I'm going with you because of the kids, it doesn't mean that I have forgiven you for your actions or that I want to be with you. I don't know if I can ever be with you like mates usually are. I'm sorry." I told him a bit sad myself.

Ryder looked at the floor dejectedly and I saw a fresh tear escape his eye again.

"I understand you, I've done a lot of crap to you when you were still in our pack. I respect your decision if you don't want to be with me but I hope you could keep an open mind and see how I've changed, could you do that?" He asked, looking at me from under his eyelashes.

He's so fucking handsome. How can you say no to him after a look like that.

"Okay, I can try." I answered and a big smile appeared on his face. I can't let his cuteness get the better of me so I quickly looked away.

"You can spend time with the kids next if you want." I said and started cleaning the coffee table.

"For real?" Ryder asked excitedly.

"Yeah. They are your kids. By the way, I'm sorry, just a little, about what they did to you. I mean when they cut your hands."

"They defended you. I could never hold a grudge for that. Besides the wounds have already healed." He said.

"Okay, come on, I'll show you where the kids are."

I walked towards the kids room and could feel his warmth behind me, it was going to be hard to keep my hands off him. I don't understand why mate bond still has such a strong effect even though I have rejected him for my part.

When we were at the door of the kids room, I told him that I was going to do some work in the living room.

"Have fun." I smirked and left the horrified looking Alpha behind me.

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