Chapter 39: Memory Lane

Start from the beginning

Heathcliff: Vice Commander, this is Mito. I have no doubt that she will serve as an exemplary sub-commander under your leadership, Vice Commander Asuna.

Turning to face each other, the purple-haired girl salutes her superior. Both of her hands balled, she places her left hand behind her back, and her right hand over her heart, as if grabbing a knife.

Mito: It is an honor to serve under you, Vice Commander. I aim to support you and the squad to the utmost.

Asuna: I look forward to working with you, Sub-commander

While she was honored by the trust placed in her to lead Squad B, the addition of another girl in a high-ranking position brought a mix of emotions. Asuna admired Mito's dedication and was grateful for the opportunity to work alongside another woman with such a formidable reputation.

Yet, a part of her couldn't shake the twinge of uncertainty. Asuna had worked hard to earn her position as vice commander, and she couldn't help but wonder if the council's decision to assign her a sub-commander was a sign that they doubted her abilities. She pushed aside the thought, reminding herself that leadership was about collaboration and that having a sub-commander by her side would only strengthen their squad.

- April 14th, 2024 - 63rd Floor - Labyrinth -

The sound of footsteps echoed in the labyrinth hallway. Leading Squad B was Asuna, her eyes vigilant of every detail around her, weary of any suspicious movement that could be a mob. Mito followed behind her, watching their rear, Asuna's only blind spot. Lifting her right hand into a fist, her squad stopped in place. She squinted her eyes and something ahead of them caught her attention.

Asuna: ...Weapons ready.

Following her command without hesitation, the squad pulled out their weapons. Pulling out her rapier, she crouched down and picked up a pebble off the floor. Tossing it so it skipped across the floor in front of her, the small rock activated a mob trap and spawning in were a clowder of «Howling Nightfangs».

 Tossing it so it skipped across the floor in front of her, the small rock activated a mob trap and spawning in were a clowder of «Howling Nightfangs»

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Asuna: Pair up! Mito, on me!

Rushing forward, the group chose an opponent and commenced their attack. The one the commanders were up against was more aggressive, it leaped and swiped at them. Asuna held her rapier, striking at its shoulders and neck. It jumped back and targeted Mito, but with her scythe, she flipped over it and slashed its back. Provoked, it immediately leaps back at the Sub-Commander.

Mito hesitated for a second, not expecting it to attack her so soon. So left with no other choice, she held her scythe high, going for a downward swing. But before she could swing down, a flash of blue flew right at the «Howling Nightfang». It exploded into crystals and standing on the other side was the Vice Commander, sheathing her sword. She turned back to the purple-haired girl, her face stoic and powerful, easing into a gentle look.

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