Death of a Clown

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"So, why did Dean choose Bianca over you?" Sam asked as we walked toward the carnie trailers.

I sighed. "I don't think he liked what I had to say about your fight."

Sam cleared his throat as he checked to make sure no one was around. "Dean can be stubborn—"

"You can, too," I said.

"Yes, but he doesn't like confronting his feelings," Sam finished.

"It seems like he thinks you don't either," I said.

Sam chewed his lip and his eyes briefly darkened. "I think you know better than anyone that it's not always obvious when someone is confronting emotions."

I placed my hand on Sam's shoulder and that feeling snapped back again. I fought the urge to pull away. "You're stronger than this. And I'm sure your dad was proud of you."

"Thanks." Sam wiped his nose. "We have a job to do."

The rest of the walk to Cooper's trailer was silent. After peeking into the trailer and determining that Cooper was out, Sam pulled a lock pick out of his pocket. I quietly kept watch as Sam opened the trailer. We both slipped inside.

"A bed of bugs, right?" Sam asked.

I nodded. 

We crept our way through Cooper's trailer. Sam flicked on a flashlight. As I caught glimpses of his trailer, I started to have doubts. There was very little in the trailer, and everything seemed to have a place. Maybe Cooper had another den.

Sam handed me the flashlight as he flipped open a knife and cut into the mattress. Only foam appeared from the wound on the exterior.

A gun cocked behind me. Fear coursed through my veins. Sam's eyes looked over my shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing?" Cooper asked.

I stayed frozen not knowing where the gun was aimed. "Mr. Cooper, we're so sorry. This was an initiation prank. Some of the other carnies put him up to it."

"Who the hell are you?" Cooper asked.

"She's my girlfriend." Sam leaped up and wrapped his arm around my waist. Goosebumps covered my arms. "I was afraid to do this alone. I shouldn't have gotten her involved."

Cooper lowered the gun. "Just get outta here before I decide to press charges."

"Thank you, sir." Sam rushed out with me hot on his heels.

We were halfway to the knife thrower's tent when we ran into Dean and Bee...Literally. Bianca was white as a sheet. They were both out of breath.

"What happened to you two?" I asked.

"It's not Cooper," Sam said.

"Dude, I know. It's the blind guy," Dean said.

Bee looked over her shoulder. "He's here somewhere."

Sam also checked our surroundings. "Well, did you get the—"

"The brass blades. No, it's been one of those days," Dean said. "Bianca, give me yours."

"What? No, I need it to defend myself." Bianca crossed her arms.

Dean shot her a hard look. "I'd rather have a sober person wielding the knife that could save our lives."

"Oh, you think I can't do this?" Bianca raised her brows.

"No, I think the only—"

"Ugh! We don't have time for this!" I jammed my hand into my boot and freed my brass knife. "Take mine. I'll figure something out."

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