Part 17

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Luciana and Reina stared at me deeply with crazy smiles on their faces. Wierdos.

''What happened after that?''. Reina asked, deeply interested in what I had to say next.

I looked down, smiling to myself and Luciana gasped. 

''Reina, she's blushing''. She said, shaking her violently.

 ''Spill it out, Wills. What the heck happened then?''. Reina questioned me, impatiently.

I bushed, remembering how exactly it went and I felt myself getting more flustered. 

''We.. kissed''. I mumbled. Both girls widened their eyes, staring into my soul with their mouth hung open. 

I sighed to myself, knowing what was coming next.

Both girls immediately screamed in my face, clapping and jumping happily like kids who kids who just got their candy. 

''The ship is finally sailing''. Reina stated excitedly. Is she really that happy for me because of a kiss?

 ''How did the kiss feel like, Willa? Did it feel like those romance books you read? You know, dreamy?''. Luciana asked, interested in every single detail of the evening. 

Why do I feel so shy? I smiled even wider to myself, and they smiled with me.

''It felt like how a kiss should feel. Fiery, time stopping, perfect.'' I said, forgetting the girls who were here. 

I couldn't forget about the kiss we shared.

It literally kept me up all night, but I wasn't bothered. All I thought about was how good his lips felt on mine, how amazing it felt having him so close to me.

The spark that was felt between us. I wonder if he felt it as well.

That twinkling feeling, I get whenever our hands touch. I felt it the whole night and honestly, I couldn't get enough of it. 

''She's daydreaming again. She's falling for him already''. Reina's words brought me back from my little thought bubble.

When her words registered in my head, my eyes widened.

 ''I am not falling for him. I just admire him''. I said, clarifying how I felt.

Both girls only scoffed at me. 

''Oh please, admire my ass. You've zoned out, thinking about him for over 5 times now''. Luciana said to me. 

''Don't forget the flustered look on her face whenever we say his name. Girl is already whipped''.

I rolled my eyes at these girls at my front.

''whatever you say''. I stated, refusing to explain myself further. 

''He brought you back home, right?''. I nodded my head at Luciana's question, and she smiled widely.

I nodded shyly and they squealed again, making me giggle. 

''I'm honestly so shocked. Dante really went all out on this one''. Luciana stated.

I furrowed my brows. ''What do you mean?''.

''Dante never goes this far for anyone. Heck, he's never done this before, Willa. He must be really interested in you''.

He's never done this for anyone before? Is he really that interested in me?

Scrap that, after that confession of his, I shouldn't even doubt that. 

Although I know myself, I will still overthink it.

So far, he doesn't seem so bad like I first assumed. He's actually so sweet and fun to be with.

I smiled to myself, remembering the sweet smiles that were shared last night.

What are you doing to me, Mr. Brambilla?

''Who would've thought you'd be asked out by a billionaire. Now that my friend, is a big flex''. Reina exaggerated and I rolled my eyes.

I totally forgot he big he was. Yesterday felt so relaxed, we forgot about our lives outside and enjoyed the time we had with each other.

I honestly pray this happens again.

Luciana picked up her phone, checking her notifications. ''Sorry guys, I have to go''.

Reina pouted her lips. ''Why?''. 

''My dad said so, we're going somewhere in like an hour, so I have to be quick''. She said, Walking to the door with her things. 

''Alright, see you later''. I said, waving her off and she smiled at us before leaving.

Reina turned to me. ''I'm hungry, you got pancakes?''. I thought for a moment before nodding. 

She smiled happily and got up, walking to the kitchen. 

''Come with me. Did you think I was making this alone?''. She shouted and I giggled.

This girl is really something. 


Reina and I set the pancakes and sat on the dining.

''So, what's going to happen now?''. She said, her mouth full of pancakes. This girl lacked table manners.


She took her time, swallowing her food before speaking again. ''You and Dante. Last time I checked you didnt want a relationship''. 

I sighed. That's true, and I still stand by it.

Whatever Dante and I share is surely something I've never experienced before but I'm not taking any chances. 

I want to take things slow, no rushing. If it feels right, then maybe that can happen.

As for now, I'm moving at my own pace.

''I still stand by that. I'm just... moving at my own pace. Taking things easy, you know?''. I stated, biting off my pancake. 

''And making out is taking things easy''. Reina said, smirking at me and I found myself choking on my pancake. 

''We didnt make out, Reina. It was just a kiss''. I reassured her.

Maybe we kissed for some minutes but I dont count that as a make out. 

''It's not 'just' a kiss, Willa. I know you better than anyone. You dont kiss people you've known for two weeks. You're into him, admit it''.

Reina disagreed with me, and I fell silent. 

What am I saying? she's right. I'm just trying to deny myself of my true feelings.

I dont just 'admire' him, I like him. The problem is that I fall to fast and that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid because if I do, there's no going back. 

''You're so annoying''. I mumbled to myself, and she giggled.

''And I love you too''. She said and I broke into a soft smile. 

''Look, I know that you're scared of being hurt like the last time. Anyone in your position would feel the same way and I totally get that, but Dante seems different to me.

He was a boy while as for Dante, He's a man. That's the difference between the two. So, far, I think he's giving you the treatment you deserve''.

Reina confessed to me with sincerity. I took in her words; this girl really knows me too well. 

''I guess you're right''. I said to her, and she smiled.

''I know I am. Just take things slow and see where the road takes you two, Okay?''. She said and I nodded my head.

How does she always know what to say?

''Good, now eat up, the pancakes aren't going to eat themselves''. She said and we both broke into laughter.

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