"Stargazing? Is that what you call it out there? Well, then, let's experience it together, shall we?", he suggested.

While looking at the sky, he laid down on the carpet relaxedly. His hand gestured to the few stars twinkling above.

"Lie down, Rosie. We can start stargazing right now.", he told her.

She hesitated for a moment, her eyes reflecting a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. With a shy smile, she settled beside him, their shoulders barely touching as they both looked up at the star-speckled expanse above.

"Look at those stars.", he said softly, his voice carrying a sense of wonder. "Aren't they amazing?", he added while connecting the stars to make up a pattern.

Roseanne's eyes widened as she followed his gaze, "They're so beautiful."

She gasped as she noticed a cluster of stars forming a familiar pattern.

"Cal, look! Those stars over there create the constellation Leo," Roseanne exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Jungkook turned his gaze to where she pointed, a gentle smile gracing his lips as he observed the star arrangement. "Constellation...Leo? What does that mean?", he asked, blinking like an innocent child.

Animatedly, Roseanne began to share her knowledge about Leo, "Leo represents courage, strength, and leadership. It's associated with bravery and a powerful spirit. In some cultures, it's believed to symbolize royalty and nobility."

He listened attentively, intrigued by the tales woven around the celestial formations.

"Fascinating. I had no idea that these patterns of stars had such deep meanings.", he said. "Wait, so Leo...it's like you. It symbolizes royalty and nobility like you.", he added to the realization of her explanation.

His words made her laugh a little in response. She denied him before asking him to focus on the stars above. He nodded before getting serious again to search for more constellations in the sky.

Encouraged by his interest, Roseanne continued, pointing out other constellations one by one. She explained the legends and stories behind each one, their mythological origins, and the significance they held across various cultures.

"Cal, that cluster of stars is Ursa Major, also known as the Great Bear," she pointed out, her voice animated with excitement. "It's said to represent strength, guidance, and protection. Oh, that sounds like you."

He smiled before shaking his head, "Now I know how it feels to be compared to stars in the sky."

As the night progressed, Roseanne's attentive eyes caught sight of a shooting star streaking near the Ursa Major constellation. Eagerly, she tapped Jungkook's shoulder, her expression brimming with excitement.

"Cal, look! Shooting stars!", she said, a glimmer of hope in her voice.

Perplexed by her sudden action, Jungkook turned to her, intrigued. "What are you doing?" he questioned in a whisper, confused by her actions of closing her eyes and clasping her hands together.

Leaning closer, Roseanne explained, "When you see a shooting star, you make a wish. They say wishes made upon shooting stars have a chance of being granted."

Curious, he studied her with an inquisitive gaze, "Is that re-"

She placed a finger to her lips, gesturing for silence.

"Shh, just make a wish, Cal." she whispered, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Respecting her desire for silence, he shifted his attention back to the shimmering sky. Together, under the silent serenade of the night, they both made silent wishes upon the shooting stars, embracing the enchantment of the moment and the glimmer of possibility that a wish made upon a shooting star might hold.

Jungkook did not know how long he should be closing his eyes but when he heard Roseanne's small laugh beside him, he took it as a sign that he could open his eyes. Her happy expression stayed as he looked at her blankly.

"I shouldn't ask you this but...what took you so long? The shooting stars disappeared a while ago.", she said to him.

"Oh, I just wish that the time could stop or slow down so-"

Roseanne covered his mouth before his eyes widened at her action.

"I'm sorry.", she quickly pulled her hand, realizing that it was a wrong move.

Her eyes looked away as she felt something strange just struck her heart.

Jungkook shook his head as he kept looking at her face, "It's okay but-"

"Why did you wish for that?", she turned to look at him with concerned expression.

He saw her soft gaze at him and he knew that he had no other chance to waste.

"Why did you wish for time to-"

"I wish it would stop or slow down so that I can find a way to make you love me before you have to leave the forest.", there he exposed his one wish to the one he had been keeping feelings for.

Roseanne was surprised with the confession coming from Jungkook. He had just confirmed her feelings for him which she had kept to herself all these while. Now she knew that what had struck her heart was the arrow of love coming from him.

"I- I know it's wrong for me to say-"

She placed her finger to his lips, her eyes locked with his, staring into each other in a newfound fascination. Slowly, her finger traced his lips before she stopped halfway while shaking her head. She felt a little guilt tugging deep down in her heart but she was taken aback when she felt a soft touch on her jaw.

Looking back to her front, she saw Jungkook drawing closer and his eyes were staring at her lips. She could not deny herself, her eyes did the same on him. They were so close, she was closing her eyes when their gap diminished almost completely and then, it happened.

"Ow!", Jungkook opened his eyes to see Whisper pecking his shoulder to give his attention to it.

Startled, Roseanne could not help feeling embarrassed by the interruption. With a fake cough and clearing her throat, she turned her face away to hide her embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Jungkook extended his arm, allowing Whisper to land gracefully on his outstretched hand. The bird chirped softly, relaying a message meant solely for his ears. As he listened intently, Roseanne peeked out from behind, watching the avian messenger with curiosity, trying to discern its cryptic gestures.

Perceiving her curious gaze, Jungkook met her eyes with a quiet concern. Sensing her intrigue, he finished his conversation with Whisper before turning his attention towards her.

"Is everything alright?", she asked him.

"Whisper just came back from your kingdom. It seemed that there's a problem with the nature there. The land is in a sudden and worrying state of drought. The access to clean water and food has become scarce within a short time. Whisper said your kingdom is in great danger, Rosie.", he said.

Roseanne's brows furrowed slightly in concern, "What? But I was only gone for a week..."

"Something is unsettling there, I believe. Plus, Whisper said that...your father, King Julius is ill. You have to go back as soon as possible, Rosie.", he added, his eyes redirecting to Eudaemonia in the distant.

"My father is ill?" Roseanne asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

He placed his hand on hers, trying to comfort her, "If you want to go now, I can bring you there."

With a teary glance at him, she nodded right away. They stood up, ready to go before he stopped her from going to his back.

"I think it's better if I carry you in my arms. You could be tired holding on to my back. It will be a long flight to reach there.", he suggested.

Without a word, Roseanne nodded before letting Jungkook put his arms around her back. Slowly, he spread his wings and lifted himself from the tree. His wings beating rhythmically against the air as he ascended, a sense of care and protection enveloped him. He quickly forgot what he was intending to do earlier for the safe arrival of the princess in his arms to her kingdom was his main priority at the moment.


Hmmm how is the story going so far? 🤔 Hehe.. 😬

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