The Wedding

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"This thing is itchy." Forever complained.

"Then why didn't you just like... manifest a not itchy suit?" Charlie asked while eating a candy.

"Uh...I don't know." Forever patted down the fabric. "I guess because in life, I never knew a suit and I always think they'd be itchy."

"Ah, makes sense. I've never worn a suit I hope you can respect that I will be attending your wedding in my birthday suit."

"Ah what...are you talking about naked?"

"What? No. This is what I wore to my last birthday on earth." Charlie changed his clothing to be a brown shirt and a pair of patched jeans. "I was poor."

"Ooh...I see, okay." Forever fluffed his hair. "Do you think this is nice? I don't have much of a creative mind." Forever was in a traditional black suit, his hair in a neat braid.

"My guy, you look great. Bad's going to see that suit and sin himself to hell."

Forever scrunched up his face. "What are you talking about? You hurt my head."

"Good." Charlie turned as the door opened. His daughter walked in wearing her hair up beautifully like she had seen in a storybook once. She had a soft pink dress to match, full and elegant. "Oh my God!" Charlie covered his mouth and walked over. "Flippa, hija perfecta! You look like a little princess!"

Flippa bounced up and down. "Thank you!" She threw herself into her father's arms so he could squeeze her tightly. "Everything is almost ready."

"Okay, sounds good." Charlie made sure he didn't mess up her hair. Even though in heaven things mostly stayed how you wanted them to. "Is Grandpa Bad ready?"

"Mhm! He looks really cool."

"Yeah, awesome." Charlie looked at Forever. "Well...looks like it's time. You feel ready?"

Forever straightened his posture. "Well...I never thought I'd get a demon/angel hybrid...surrounded by dead adopted children...Oh meu Deus, o que está acontecendo?!” {oh my God, what is going on?!"

"It's a beautiful thing." Charlie shrugged and manifested himself an officiant book. "And how fun that I can officiate it!"

"Well...Jesus was busy..." Forever joked and walked past Jauna, grabbing her hand. "Come on Jauna, I'm nervous. I need you to walk with me."

"Don't be nervous, it's just Bad."

"Yes, but I'm marrying him...forever, forever really."

"Don't you love him for forever, really?"

"I...I don't know..."

Jauna stopped walking with him. "What do you mean?"

"I really, really love him...but it's just overwhelming. One day I am fighting codes and running. Then one day I meet a demon and have to marry him. Then I'm dead, and in heaven– and– and is just so much to handle."

"So, you don't want to marry him?" Jauna pouted. "Now I'm confused."

"No, I do...I want to...I'm just grieving my death I think. I miss friends. I feel so alone here."

"We should tell Bad, he can help." Jauna suggested.

"Let's not tell Bad–"

Jauna ran ahead of Forever, determined to fix things.

"Jauna!" Forever tried to catch her but she was fast. By the time he got to the room Bad was waiting in, she was already spewing out words.

"Forever." Bad was startled to see him running after Jauna. But he kept listening to what Jauna wanted to say. "Is this true? You're not sure you want to get married?" Bad stood, shooing Jauna away so they could talk.

"No, no that's not what I–" Forever exhaled a breathy sigh. "Fofo, you look so nice." Forever admired the spotless white suit that Bad was wearing. "Come here."

Bad approached Forever and rested his hands on his shoulders. "You look so handsome in that suit. Eu quero te beijar." {I want to kiss you.}

"Ey!" Forever laughed. "Fale mais português. É tão atraente." {Speak more Portuguese. It's so attractive.}

Bad squeezed Forever's shoulders. "Talk to me. What's going on? Do you not want to get married?"

"No, I do...I'm just still so confuse head just feels like a– like a– I don't know. Too many thoughts. Too much happening."

"Oh yeah..." Sometimes Bad forgets that Forever used to live a mortal life. "It must be hard...maybe we should've waited a few decades for you to feel better."

"No, we're ready...I want you to be with me forever."

"Are you sure? We can wait. I don't want our wedding to be a fail."

"No, let's just do it. Is heaven so if we want we can get married many times, right?"

Bad laughed. "Yeah, I guess we could. Maybe we could have a second one when all your friends are dead."

"Yeah..." Forever mumbled with mortal dread.


Charlie cleared his throat. "Alright, children. We are gathered here today to witness the union of– Bobby, stop chewing on Chayanne. Thank you. Bad, do you promise to love and cherish Forever for– literally forever?"

"I do!" Bad was gripping Forever's hands passionately, so happy in this eternal paradise.

Charlie grumbled something to himself. "And Forever, do you promise to love and cherish Bad for eternity? Even when his ass goes flat and there's nothing between you in bed anymore?"

"Uh, what?" Forever tensed up.

"Sorry, I'm projecting." Charlie gripped the book he wasn't even reading from.

"Uh, yes. I do, I do!" Forever laughed it off and looked into Bad's perfect loving eyes.

"Welp." Charlie closed the book. "Kiss, you happy motherfuckers."

"Language!" Bad hissed and looked at the kids. "The kids are–"

Forever grabbed Bad's face and cut him off with a kiss. The kiss was pure need and laced with want. Forever needed someone to keep him company in eternity and he wanted it to be Bad.

"Fuck, Flippa cover your eyes! Cover your eyes!" Charlie ran to his daughter and slapped a hand over her eyes. "I don't want you seeing love. You might go out and get married one day, and honestly I'd rather you eat shrooms."

Bad pushed his face into Forever's chest when the kissing was done. "I can't wait to spend the rest of the universe with you, bebê."

"We will have so much fun together." Forever added. "We can travel the world. We can meet dead people."

Bad agreed with enthusiasm. "Yeah! Let's have a traveling honeymoon!"

"What about the kids?" Charlie mentioned.

"They are dead." Forever gestured to them. "What worse could happen if they are left alone?"

"But could you watch my Skeppy, please?" Bad looked to the diamond that was having a fun time playing with a ball of yarn. Bad had me manifested it for him, to keep him occupied.

"I guess I could watch that little creature... Well I'll just take the kids for a walk or something now. So you two can do whatever freaky post wedding things you want..."

"He is an angel." Forever insisted, pinching one of Bad's cheeks childishly.

Bad grabbed his wrist. "I'm also part demon, so brace yourself."

The End

Kingdom Of Demônios {4halo AU} {Complete}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن