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"This is not good..." Bad examined his eye in the mirror.

"What's it mean?"

"Something not good...but I don't actually know." Bad looked at Forever in the mirror. "Is Skeppy asleep?"

Forever looked down at the sleeping diamond boy. "Yes, Muito sonolento." {Very sleepy.}

"Okay, good." Bad sighed and walked to the bed to sit next to Forever. "My eye isn't important right now. We need to do something to help Skeppy."

"Maybe he will be fine?" Forever suggested. "He's not human. The códigos hurt humans."

"But he's turning green..."

"I think he will be okay." Forever transferred Skeppy to Bad's arms gently. "Is Skeppy like our filho?"

"No, more like our gato...or maybe a...what is puppy?"

"Filhote de cachorro."

"Filhote de cachorro!"

Forever laughed.


"You're kind of... you're kind of cute when you say things not right at all."

"My pronunciation is good! Bagi said it was!"

"Bagi was being nice." Forever teased. "But I like. Fofo."

Bad growled and held Skeppy close to his chest. "Whatever...I want to ask you about something."


"Will you and your friends be raising Richas? You found him, right? So, will you bring him to the orphanage in town? Or will you all just adopt him?"

Forever didn't say anything because he hadn't thought about it that much yet. He shrugged.

"Well I promise if he does stay here, I will make sure he gets everything he needs to grow and be happy."

"Obrigado, thank you Bad. We all care a lot about Richas."

Bad understood. "I know, kids are special."

"Will you have kids?" Forever wondered out loud.

"Oh, maybe. But probably not for centuries. I don't think I have the heart to procreate."

"Why not?"

"Demons can only spawn with humans."

"Oh?" Forever shifted around awkwardly. "You won't spawn with me?"

"Oh no, I wouldn't want you to die like that."



"Você é muito assustador!" {You're too scary!}

"I'm sorry! I'm not going to spawn with you, so it's fine."

Forever pictured someone being torn apart from the inside by a demon baby, and shuddered. "Não, Isso é horrível." {No, that's horrible.}


"Você é louco." {you're crazy.}

"I don't control demon procreation. I can't help it!" Bad pouted. "Eu realmente sinto muito" {I'm really sorry.}

Forever grinned. "That was good, very close."




"Oh, fofo."

"But seriously, Forever. Some demons might have bad reputations, but sexual assault is not normalized in this kingdom. Nothing sexually perverse is going to happen. Our contract is for your soul, your mortal body is yours and I won't touch it without your willing consent."

Kingdom Of Demônios {4halo AU} {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now