Praying Demon

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"Etoiles, attention please!" Bad snapped in his face to get him distracted from the land he was watching over.

"Snap at me again, go ahead." Etoiles said in a provoking tone. "See what happens." He threatened.

"Sorry, I'm in a life or death situation here!"

Etoiles looked around, putting a hand on his sheathed sword. "What's happening?"

"Look, I just need your cooperation. When the Brazilians showed up, did you and the others take their stuff?"

"Ah, yes?" Etoiles tilted his head. "Your mother told us to shove it away in the celler. They had a couple bows, and a broken sword. Some other junk. The only useful thing they have is..." He stopped to think. "Probably the horse pulling their carriage, but your mother has beat you to that."

"Crap, okay..." Bad remembered seeing a pile of junk in the corner of the celler. "They just urgently need something."

"Like what? A broken sword?" Etoiles scoffed. "Cowards like them fight the code war. Men like me have to guard your rich asses."

"If you want to go fight codes, be my guest. I can replace you. I'd rather be guarded by one of the Brazilians anyway."

"Oh yes, your little Brazilian husband can come wield a broken sword with his shirt off. You'll like that." Etoiles said sarcastically.

"How do you know I'm marrying Forever?"

"I didn't say Forever specifically?"

"Well he's the only one that looks good with his shirt off."

Etoiles closed his eyes, urging himself to be nice. "Just go, I have important duties."

"Fine. Thank you...and Etoiles?"


"You're not invited to the wedding." Bad huffed and walked down to the exit. He got outside and opened the celler door. The waft of something unnatural reminded him how unsightly it might be down there. "Slime? Jauna?" Bad stepped into the celler and frowned. His wings drooped as he sensed death in its most sinister form. Suicide.

Bad lit up all the lanterns so he could get a good view. Flippa was on the ground, in a puddle of her own blood. Like Bad had expected. And Slime was not far from her body, the broken sword laying limp in his bloodless hand. "I-I'm sorry..." Bad took a second to sit down by them, just outside the blood bath. "I'm not really supposed to do this but..." Bad sighed and put his hands together in prayer. "Heavenly Father, I pray not just upon Slime and Jauna, but for all those who are lost, hurting, hopeless, and needy all around the world. I ask for You to compel these souls who are without You as Savior and Lord to hear Your voice as you seek and save those who need You most."

Bad felt a weird static feeling in the tips of his clawed fingers and along his shoulders. He felt like something holy was inside of him, even though he was Satan's child.

Bad got up and started looking for Cellbit's journal. It was no where to be found. He found the other junk Etoiles refered to, but no written material of any sort. Regardless Bad took what he could carry and brought it back into the castle.

"Etoiles." Bad said when he passed by him again. "I think that poor father and daughter that came begging, broke into our celler...I'm afraid they both seem to be dead. A murder-suicide perhaps..." He nearly choked on his lie.

"Tell your mother to deal with it, that's not my job. Cleaning up dead bodies of the poor."

"Mother will eat their souls. As a human, have empathy."

Etoiles rolled his eyes. "It'll get taken care of, your highness."

Bad nodded and found that all the Brazilians were now together in the hallway to the infirmary. "I brought your things!" He set everything on the ground. "But Cellbit, there's no journal."

The Brazilians eyed Bad weakly, no interest in their material things. Cellbit pointed into the infirmary. "One of your doctor took Richas in for a exam and won't let us in. This isn't trust."

"Be calm, my staff is trustworthy." Bad rushed to the door and tried it. "Unlock the door." The lock clicked and Bad pushed the door open. "Baghera, what the heck are you doing? You're scaring them."

"This is at your mother's request." Baghera defended herself.

"What are you doing to Richas?"

"Examining him."

Bad looked over to see Richas sitting on a bed, playing with a wooden cup that Baghera gave him to play with. He looked confused but overall okay. "Why are you locking out his caregivers?"

"They are upset, they get mad when I do anything with him. He's fine, look."

Bad agreed that Richas looked fine. "Does mother still think he's code infected?"

"Your mother just receive news that a code has been spotted outside the kingdom walls. She'll be paranoid more than usual."

"Hm..." Bad figured that might've been the code that infected Jauna. Plenty of townfolk wandered past the walls to pick berries or do other little human things. "Well then, I guess we better try to ease her. But keep one guardian with Richas at all times. You must remember they are humans in a demon's kingdom. They are rightfully uneasy."

"Yes, your highness. I apologize. Just assure them that I'm not hurting their son."

Bad walked out and gestured at Cellbit. "You can go in, you seem to be the one always with him. Richas is totally fine." Cellbit sighed in relief and went into the room.

"Is everything okay?" Bagi asked. "Why are they always wanting to examine and test us?"

"My mother is paranoid."

"No offense but your mother is a demon with killer vines growing out of her body. How can she be paranoid?" Pac commentated while looking through his bag.

"Well think of it this's crazy that higher powers like demons exist, right? Well it's not so crazy to think one day there will be a being more powerful than us, maybe even deadly to us."

"I guess that makes sense..."

Forever startled Bad by touching his shoulder. "Oh, desculpe. No journal?" Forever still had Skeppy securely against his chest.

"No...maybe it was put down somewhere else or it could of been forgotten in the carriage...I just couldn't...they put the stuff in the celler..." Bad gave Forever a knowing look, and Forever understood.

"S'okay, Bad." Forever rubbed his shoulder. "Oh my!" Forever startled. "Bad, your eye is blue."

TW// Suicide

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