Trust No Demon

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Skeppy was inside of Bad's pillow case, chewing on the pillow. "Gah, you can't even be good when you're sick." Bad yanked him out of the pillow case.

Skeppy let out a sad hnya and cuddled into Bad's chest.

"He really know how to be so cute." Forever grinned. "You can't get mad with him, Bad."

"Of course I can't get mad at him, look at him. He's freaking adorable." Bad kissed the top of Skeppy's head.

"He's like your child."

"Yeah, I guess... Meu filho." Bad kissed Skeppy again. "But you're also too cute to get mad at."

"Why get mad at me?"

"Because you move around too much in your sleep. You sent Skeppy flying last night, you kicked him off the bed."

"Oh, I did? I am sorry, Skeppy."

"I think he forgives you." Bad looked at Skeppy's face. "The green is still there...but it's not spreading, so maybe that's good?"

"Good, good. I think the infection will not like...hurt him like it hurts people."

"Maybe, maybe he has some immunity to it." Bad scratched Skeppy's head lovingly.

"I'm getting jealous~" Forever sang in a taunting tone.

"Jealous?" Bad put Skeppy down on the bed. "Aw, I'm sorry. Do you want head scratches too?"

"Yes." Forever walked over and put his face against Bad's chest like Skeppy does. "Minha vez!" {My turn!}

Bad ran his hand through Forever's hair. "Your hair is all tangled."

"You don't like?" Forever groaned. Surprisingly Bad's claws weren't that sharp. His fingers felt great in his hair. "I will never be enough of a husband."

"Oh no, I do like your hair. Come here." Bad made Forever sit at the vanity. He got a comb out of the drawer.

"não! Vai doer!" {No, it'll hurt!}

"I won't hurt you." Bad promised and picked a section of Forever's hair. He combed away gently from root to tip. "It's so long, I love it."

"What?!" Foolish called from out in the hall.

"Oh my gosh..."

Foolish knocked and opened the door. "you two aren't fucking are you? No? Okay." He stepped in. "Your mother wants me to tell you the wedding is scheduled for April 10th.

"That's a couple weeks?" Forever turned around halfway.

"Yup, Eggpire does not like to wait...I'm in charge of preparing attire. Any requests?"

"Can we put Bad in something...hmm..." Forever thought. "Maybe like a dress?"

Foolish giggled. "He would look fucking ridiculous."

"No, no. I think he looks nice!"

"I am not wearing a dress, I can't pull it off."

"I think you can." Forever argued.

"Best thing for him is a paper bag..." Foolish heard some voices down the hall and got distracted. "Got to go." He left the room.

"Aw, he's mean." Forever looked up at Bad. "Você é muito bonito." {You're very handsome.}

"Obrigado." {Thank you.} Bad leaned down and kissed Forber's forehead. He was used to kissing Skeppy on the head when he was being cute, it was just a habit.

Forever covered his face and did a mixture of whining and nervous laughing. "Você é esmagador." {You're overwhelming.}

"What's wrong?" Bad rubbed his shoulders. "you don't like kisses?"

"I like...Can I kiss you?"

"Yeah, thanks for asking."

Forever stood up and got in close to Bad, putting his hands on the demon's shoulders and leaning in. But before their lips could touch, aggressive shouting erupted from down the hall. Grabbing the attention of them both .

"That sounds like Cellbit." Forever rushed to the door. "Come on, it sounds scary."

Bad and Forever went out into the hall to see Cellbit screaming at Mouse, while Pac, Mike and Felps huddled around Roier, who was holding a bloody rag to his face.

"I didn't do anything!" Mouse's wings flapped loudly as she tried to be heard. "Stop screaming and speak like civil humans!"

Cellbit breathed heavily like a lion that was more than capable of ripping flesh and bones apart. "You demons wanted us to feel safe here. You're snakes, just a bunch of fucking snakes!"

"What's going on?!" Bed flew over and stood by Mouse protectively.

"acalmar!" {Calm down!} Forever tried to settle Cellbit down with words, but that was like putting water in a hole infested bucket. "Comunique-se adequadamente." {Communicate properly.}

Bad walked over to Roier. Once he was closer he saw that Roier was a lot more battered than just a bloody nose and a swollen lip. "Oh my gosh! You don't look good, you need to get to the infirmary." Roier looked at Bad the same way all the Brazilians were. There was anger, confusion, and betrayal. "What happened?"

"Hell knows, and you should go back." Cellbit helped Roier limp to the infirmary with the others.

Bad looked at Mouse. "What the heck is going on?"

"I-I don't know." Mouse ran her hands through her hair and tried to wrap her mind around what happened. "I don't even know. It happened so fast. Cellbit comes screaming at me, then the others come with Roier, shouting curses to demons but I don't know what's going on."

"What happened to Roier?"

"I don't know! I didn't touch him."

Eggpire came up the stairs and didn't seem at all concerned about the looks she was getting. Bad saw the unbothered tone, the way she walked and folded her arms. Her vines were all worked up and twitching, and she had scratches across her face. Self-defense wounds.


Forever went with his friends to have a conversation that Bad was not allowed to be a part of, so Bad went and curled up in his room with Skeppy. He felt awful. He didn't know exactly what his mother did, but he knew it was something demonic. He didn't blame the Brazilians if they decided they'd rather fight codes than stay there any longer.

Skeppy kept nudging his chest, trying to ask if he was okay. Bad would pat his head in response and say everything was going to be okay. But he had no idea if things would be okay. He didn't know what his mother could've done to Roier. Or if she might want to do things to the others as well.

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