Finding A Husband

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Bad spent the whole morning getting prepared by his personal butler, Foolish. You'd think having a personal butler would be fun, but not when you let your servants speak their minds.

"I'm going to be honest, not my best work..." Foolish was in charge of selecting Bad's outfits, on occasions when Bad couldn't bother. "How much are you trying to impress these men?"

"Well I'm hoping one will genuinely like me, then I'll choose that one I guess." Bad looked at himself in the mirror. "Does this look horrible on me?"

"Brings out all your worst features...and there are a lot of those." Foolish shook his head. "How about that outfit you wore to the ball at the Fortified Kingdom?"

"Yes, that was a nice one."

"Are you almost ready?" Mouse knocked on the door. "Everyone is waiting."

"Almost!" Bad went behind his privacy divider to change.


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Bad sat with each person for a minimum of 30 minutes. They all seemed scared of him. Most people would be intimidated by a demon that they could potentially be stuck with until they died. Some of them seemed interested in the security marrying Bad would have, but that was all. So far Bad was enjoying speaking to them, asking them to help him pronounce things in Portuguese. But once the last man left the room, he felt empty.

"Was that all?" Bad asked his mother. He didn't feel anything with any of them.

"I could send in Bagi?"

"No, that's didn't send in Forever."

"Should we bother? He hasn't settled since he got here."

"Why not? I'm already dressed up. I need to make the most of it."

"Alright then." Eggpire left the room and requested a guard to escort Forever to the room.

Bad was immediately regretful of his request. Forever was forced into the seat, yelling in Portuguese. Bad couldn't tell what he was saying, he was going too fast. It was safe to say Forever was not interested in the proposal.

Bad sat patiently until Forever calmed down. "Você está bem?" {Are you okay?} Bad tested out the phrase. He must've sounded somewhat accurate because Forever knew what he said.

"Não, todo mundo está morrendo!" {No, everyone is dying!}

"S-sorry I don't know exactly what you're saying." Bad wished he could just know every language. "Um...Posso ajudar?" {Can I help you?}

"Que?" {What?} Forever took a second to realize what Bad meant, his pronouncing was off but it was close enough for Forever to figure it out. “Lute conosco, demônio!” {Fight with us, demon!"

"Yes, I am a demon..." Bad had to guess what he might've been saying. "Does that scare you?"

"Lute conosco, demônio covarde!" {fight with us, cowardly demon!}

Kingdom Of Demônios {4halo AU} {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now