Code Infected Visitor

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Bad was still in the library early that morning. He was reorganizing some shelves that Mouse had left in chaos.

Forever barged into the room with Skeppy clinging to his pant leg. "Eu não agüento!" {I cannot take it!}

Bad pulled Skeppy off. "Rough night?"

"Seu Skeppy é irritante!" {Your Skeppy is annoying!}

"Did Skeppy upset you?" Bad hugged the diamond. It was clear who's side he would be on. "Skeppy è pequeno..." {Skeppy is small...}

Forever shook his head and left the library. He bumped into Bagi who was pacing the hall with Richas. "O que você está fazendo?" {What are you doing?}

"Richas está chateado. Eu me ofereci para andar com ele." {Richas is upset. I offered to pace with him.}

"Ele está bem?" {Is he okay?}

"Sim. Só um pouco triste." {Yes, just a little sad.} Bagi patted Richas on the back. "Você está bem? Aconteceu alguma coisa?" {Are you okay? Did anything happen?}

"Não..." Forever sighed and debated if he should tell Bagi that he kind of likes Bad now, despite his annoying pet. Bad was a nice distraction from the codes. "Seu diamante pode curar... ele deveria estar ajudando na guerra." {His diamond can heal...he should be helping the war.}

"cura? Por que ele não ajudaria?" {Healing? Why wouldn't he help?}

"Demônios são egoístas.Eles não valorizam vidas mortais." {Demons are selfish. They don't value mortal lives.}

"Não quero acreditar... venha comigo." {I don't want to believe it. Come with me.} Bagi started leading Forever down the hall so they could talk to Cellbit about everything. That's when a sudden bolt of lightening flashed in the windows, followed by thunder. It was loud enough to make Richas erupt into tears again. "Códigos..." Bagi whispered.

Everyone rushed to the windows facing the castle entrance. They looked out into the depressed sky, and tried to see what the guards were surrounding outside.

"Are the codes here?!" Mouse cowered, which made the Brazilians shiver. If a demon is unsettled by something, that just confirms it's horror.

"We will fight." Cellbit announced. Although he figured the demons would be disappointed by how one fights a code. See, you cannot kill a code with a normal blade. You need a code sword, there is only one in the world. It's whereabouts are as much a mystery as where Skeppy originated from. How you "fight" a code is simple. You run them in circles, letting them use up their energy on snatching weapons out of your hands. When they are low, they will ascend into the sky, going back to where they came from. Until they are charged and ready to find more humans to terrorize.

"Wait! S'not a code guys!" Bagi leaned out a window. "Is just a little girl."

Bad squinted and watched as the guards fully parted so the visitors were visible. "There's a man with her."

Eggpire shoved open a door and came flying down the hall. Her vines were tense and itching to strangle. "What's going on now?! If one of those incompetent soldiers are code inf–"

"Mother, it's just a storm." Bad said softly. Then he gave everyone a warm smile. "Everyone is paranoid, but everything's okay." Bad gestured for everyone to go back to their rooms. They did as they were told.

Eggpire looked out of the window. "Oh for the love of the man below. She wrapped her vines around her torso tight like a security blanket. "I told the orphanage to stop bringing orphans here. Mouse was a once and special occasion."

Mouse pouted. "Well, I guess I'm lucky..."

"I'll go handle it and tell them to leave." Bad promised. "You look great today mother. You're glowing with sin."

Kingdom Of Demônios {4halo AU} {Complete}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt