A Lost Girl In Heaven

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"Skeppy!" Bad held the diamond close after mom placed him in his arms. "H-How is he here? Did he die?"

"Oh no, dear. He's a Devine Healer. He originates from here."

"He does?" Bad looks at Skeppy in amazement. "My little angel...why would mother give me a heavenly pet?"

"No doubt she just wanted a healer around to keep her human toys alive until she was done..." Mom sat down in Eggpire's throne. "I suppose there's something to be addressed..." Mom crossed her legs and folded her wings. "Maybe you wonder how I fell in love with a demon?"

Bad looked at Forever and leaned into him. "I was wondering..."

Mom shook her head. "Long story short demons are deceptive and angels fall hard. The long version will have to be saved for another time. Maybe you'd like to go back to the other world and make sure your sister is okay?"

Bad hesitated. "C-can I come back?"

"I'd love for you to come back. You've accepted this side now, you can move freely."

Bad looks at Forever."and he has to stay here?"

"I'm afraid that's how it works, dear..." Mom stood back up. "But I'll stay with him, give him some lessons on how things work."

"How...how do I get back?" Bad asked but as soon as he thought about going back, he was back. The glow went away and he could no longer see Forever and Mom. To his relief, Skeppy was still in his arms. "Oh thank the heavens!" He kissed Skeppy on the cheek. "Oh! your green is gone..." He smiled. "Let's go check on everyone."

Bad flew down the hall "Mouse! Foolish! Everyone?"

No one was out in sight. Then Bad figured they would all be somewhere safe and somewhat hidden, especially if they saw whatever happened outside after Bad passed out. It must've been scary but epic.

Bad left the castle and flew to the celler. He was relieved to hear voices as he pulled the hatch open and went down. "Is everyone okay?!"

Cellbit scowled at Bad's presence. "Where the hell were you, what the hell happened?!" He stopped and his eyes widened. "o-oh my...you're...an angel?!"

Foolish ran up and put his hand on Bad's halo. "Okay, that's actually pretty fucking cool! Since when?"

"Turns out my other parent was an angel...it's still sinking in. Bad looked around. The celler was packed. Foolish, Cellbit, Baghera, Etoiles and Pac. "Where...um..." Bad sighs. "I don't know what happened, is anyone...has anyone died? Besides Bagi and Forever?"

"Roier..." Cellbit cleared his throat. "After Foolish left to tell you the carriage was ready... Roier started screaming in pain. I...I tried to carry him back inside the castle myself, if maybe there was something Baghera could do...but...He was dead before I got there...I don't want to talk more about it then that..."

Bad nodded sadly, then looked at Etoiles. "Why are you down here cowering? Don't we pay you to fight?" He was teasing to lighten the mood.

"Cowering?" Etoiles was offended. "I am sorry, I am having some sympathy!" Etoiles pat Cellbit on the back. "Roier die, and Forever and Bagi too. We are grieving. And what do you expect for me to fight anyway? Your angels or whatever you summon take care of the demons."

"Oh...where's Mouse?"

"I don't know?" Etoiles shrugged. "We haven't seen her, we figure she get sent to hell with Eggpire and the demon guards?"

Bad furrowed his brows. Admittedly he knew Mouse would be fine in hell. She was meant for it, in her own way. "She'll come back then if she wants to, she has no reason to be held there. What happened with...the spawn?"

Cellbit shivered as he remembered what happened to Roier. "I-Is with Eggpire I think. They sent it away..."

"Okay..." Bad rubbed Cellbit on the shoulder. "I saw heaven, my other mom brought me...I saw Forever and they told me Bagi is with family right now...Roier probably is too, so you don't have to worry. Your friends and boyfriend are safe."

"But I can't see them...can't touch them anymore." Cellbit broke into tears and went to be in a corner of the celler.

"Oh gosh..." Bad rubbed his forehead. "So why are you all huddled in here if you know it's safe?"

"Well." Baghera looked around. "A group of us came to check on the fight that was happening, and took shelter here. We just stay here...it's not long over."

"Well it's okay now, so you guys can come out..." Bad frowned. "Is it okay if I go to...the other place for a bit?"

"Other place?" Foolish tilted his head.

"Heaven...I was afraid saying it would make Cellbit cry more. I'm worried about Forever. I don't want him to feel sad or lonely. His family hasn't come to reconnect with him yet. But I promise he's doing okay."

Cellbit grabbed Bad's shoulder. "If you see Roier, tell him I love him. I was too busy panicking– I forgot to say."

"Of course, I will." Bad hugged Cellbit tightly. "Everyone else is okay, right?"

"We're mentally scarred, Bad." Pac shook his head. "But we will get better...I'm going to go back inside. We need to make sure everyone inside knows it's over and safe now."

"Of course." Bad agreed. "I'm going to go, but don't worry. I'll be close to you. Heaven is a thin lining away. It looks just like our world, but everything is better."

Cellbit smiled through his tears. "describe it to me when you come back...you will be back soon, right?"

"Yes! Now just let me..." Bad turned and focused his mind on where he wanted to go. Heaven. Before he knew it he faded from the mortal world and fell into one of light. The celler looked well lit in heaven. And all the shelves were stocked with all the good foods humans would like. However Bad noticed that the jars of unidentified meat that his mom had, were gone. Making him shiver in wonder at what it was if it wasn't welcome in heaven.

"Sir?" A small voice caught Bad's attention as he turned around. His eyes flared up into a shocked blue as he saw the child standing before him. "O-oh...Jauna...it's been awhile..."

"Yeah..." The child shifted around on her feet nervously. Unfortunately some feelings were just too strong to be erased by eternal paradise. "Do you know where my papa is?"

"Oh, uh..." Bad rubbed his arm awkwardly. "He's not here with you?"


Bad looked around. "Did an angel come to guide you, sweetheart?"


Bad frowned and held out his hand. "Okay, come with me."

Jauna took Bad's hand. "Papa promised he was coming with me...did he lie?"

Bad cringed. Slime must've told her that he was going to kill himself if she died. "Your papa..." Bad hesitated. "He could just be a little lost. We'll figure it out. I'm so sorry about what happened."

"It's okay..." Jauna followed Bad out of the celler. "I understand why he had to kill me."

"What?" Bad stopped walking.

"Yeah! I was in a lot of pain, papa said I wasn't going to make it. So he helped me die faster...it was really scary and painful."

Bad felt sick. Imagine that, sick in heaven. But he was only half angel after all. "It's okay. Come with me, I want to introduce you to my mom. She'll help, we just need to find her. I'm new to heaven too, so we'll have to figure some stuff out together."

TW// references to murder-suicide

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