Long Nap

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When Forever woke up again he felt refreshed. More refreshed than he normally felt when he slept. He was in Bad's bed, but in heaven it felt so much better. There was no wrinkles in the sheets and the blankets felt like hugs from mothers.

"Hm, Bad?" Forever rubbed his eyes.

Bad was sitting on the bed, brushing Skeppy's hair with a golden comb. "Oh!" Bad turned around. "you're awake! How was your meditation?"

"It was nice...I saw my family, I focus on them."

"Aw..." Bad smiled. "That's a good use of meditation, visiting your family through your creative mind. I'm sure they will soon be ready to see you here."

Forever rubbed his eyes and stood up. "So, what now? Should we try to find Jauna's dad? We need to do something."

"Hm? Oh. I already found him." Bad sat Skeppy on the bed. "He was trapped in a limbo type state. It happens when dark and light can't decide where someone's soul should be."

"O-oh...well I'm glad you find him during my nap...but I thought you would stay with me?"

"I did for the first year." Bad got up and listened to the noise downstairs. "Sounds like the kids are having fun."

"Kids?! How long was i asleep, Bad?!"

"You were meditating for...hm...five years?"

"Five years?!" Forever gasped. "How the hell?!"

"Things work differently when you're in your eternal place."

"H-How..." Forever rubbed his forehead, head spinning. "S-so...what happen?"

"Well, I found Jauna's dad." Bad started using his fingers to keep track. "I adopted all the kids at the orphanage. I adopted slime, so Flippa is our granddaughter, I spent some time in the mortal world. My sister took over as the queen, she's doing well. Uh...Foolish got a new job at a nasty tavern where he swings his body around a pole...hm...oh! And look what Skeppy can do!" Bad pulled a small candy out of his pocket that he was allowed to bring from the mortal world. He opened it up and let Skeppy sniff it. "Okay, s'geppy, catch!"

Skeppy backed up and bounced around, ready to catch. When the candy was thrown up in the air, he jumped and caught it. Eating it happily.

Forever laid back on the bed. If he was a human he would've puked and passed out.

"Are you okay?" Bad frowned as he pet Skeppy on the head. "Are you mad that I left your side? You were so peaceful. I didn't want to interrupt your first time."

"AHHH!" Forever screamed, getting his point across quickly.

"I know, it's a lot to take in...do you want to meet the kids?"

Forever rubbed his face and screamed again. That's all he could do as he tried to process how this place worked. How can a nap last five years? And how can you wake up as a father and grandfather? "These kids are mine too?!"

"Of course!" Bad nodded. "They are super cute! There's plenty of room for them in the castle."


"And this one is Tallulah. She's a bit embarrassed about her death." Bad pat the girl on the shoulder.

"Uh huh..." Forever was in a daze, after already meeting so many kids.

"A piano fell on my head, sir." Tallulah whispered.

"Oh my–" Forever cleared his throat. "That is very interesting."

"My death was cooler!" Pomme interrupted.

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