Humans Need Kisses

371 21 10

CW// Mild sexual humor

That night Forever couldn't sleep. The knowledge that he was in a castle with a perverse demon willing to assault humans was scary enough. It didn't help that from Bad's bedroom, he could hear Roier screaming in the infirmary.

Bad came into the room and frowned. "You're still awake?"

"I can't sleep..." Forever shifted around carefully. Skeppy was curled up on Bad's side of the bed, obliviously asleep. "What's happening?"

"Oh..." Bad walked over and sat on the bed. "It's a painful process, Forever... Baghera just gave him some medicine, so he should stop screaming soon."

Forever covered his face. "I'm sick, Bad."


"I can't take this...the screaming, the...the cruelty!"

"I understand..." Bad rubbed Forever's back. "Do you want to move to a different room, further away from the infirmary?"

" feel wrong." Forever got out of bed. "I'm going to be with them."

"Are you sure?"

"I can't let Cellbit and Roier be alone."

"Okay, do you want me to come?"

"Maybe no... because you might scare Roier."

"Oh, yeah...I'll stay here with Skeppy. Come get me if you need me."


Forever headed to the infirmary and knocked on the door. "Cellbit? Sou eu, estou sozinho." {It's me, I'm alone.}

Cellbit opened the door. "Está tudo bem?" {Is everything okay?}

"Eu ia te perguntar isso." {I was going to ask you that.}

"Ele não está bem..." {He's not well.}

"Posso entrar?" {Can I come in?}

Cellbit let Forever in. Then he went back to Roier's side to hold his hands and watch him shift around in pain. "Mi amor, Forever está aquí para verte." {My love, Forever is here to see you.}

"M-mátame." {Kill me.} Roier cried.

"Shh." Cellbit rubbed Roier's hand to comfort him. "Intentaré arreglar esto. Sé fuerte por mí." {I will try to fix this. Be strong for me.}

Forever watched Cellbit reassure and love Roier even when it was almost inevitable that Roier was going to die soon. He wanted someone like that, someone to make his inevitable death easier. He started to feel comfort in the fact that Bad couldn't die. So no matter what, Bad would be around to make dying easier. It was another reason for Forever to love a demon. "Você quer ficar sozinho de novo?" {Do you want to be alone again?}

"Sim, por favor. Desculpe." {Yes, please. Sorry.} Cellbit wanted to fall in love with Roier as much as he could before it was too late. Although he hated pushing his friends away.

Forever nodded. "Eu entendo. Diga-me se precisar de mim, ok?" {I understand. Tell me if you need me, okay?}

"Obrigado." {Thank you.}

Forever went back to the bedroom to see Bad crying on his side of the bed. "Oh, is everything fine?"

Bad sniffled and rubbed at his eyes. He didn't expect Forever to be back yet. "I feel so terrible– I don't want Roier to die. I don't want any humans to die. What if my mom attacks more people? What if she hurts you?" He was spiraling down a dangerous mental cavern.

"Okay, okay." Forever crawled into the bed and laid with an arm over Bad. "S'okay. Take some deep breath and focus on me, okay? It's not your fault..."

"Maybe I could have stopped it..."

"No one knew." Forever put his hand through Bad's hair. "I trust you. You are not like Eggpire. You have no need for feeling terrible."

Bad turned and moved into a cuddling position with Forever. "Why do you trust me so much?"

"I don't know, I just do. I like you very much, Bad."

"I like you too..." Bad sighed. "I really hope I can take good care of you. I want to give you all the right love, I want you to feel satisfied."

"I know you could...but your mother will be a big problem. But, I am okay with the risk."

"I know...she likes to stay to herself, but when she wants something...she just comes out and does it."

"That's why I'm a little nervous. I can't defend against demons."

"I will stay by your side as often as I can." Bad promised.

"Thank you...Bad?"


"Can we uh...can we do a little kiss?"

"Oh, you want comfort kisses?" Bad smiled. "Of course, Skeppy loves comfort kisses too."

"Shut up about your pet, and kiss me, Bad." Forever huffed.

Bad kissed Forever on the forehead, but when Forever let out a whine, he knew exactly what he wanted. "Oh you humans and your want me to kiss you on the lips?"

"Yes!" Forever yanked him closer.

"Okay, okay. Foolish told me this would happen. No worries, I understand. Humans are naturally needy people." Bad cupped Forever's face and kissed him lovingly but quick on the lips. "There, better?"

Forever groaned with a pink tint to his face. "Bad, I need you to distract me from what's going on. Kiss me more."



"Oh! I get it, some humans need to fornicate to relax. Right?"

"Forn– what?"


"Excuse me, do you know where Bad is?" Cellbit asked as he passed Foolish in the hall.

"Oh, uh..." Foolish rubbed the back of his neck. "He's in his room, but I don't think you should go by yet."

"Why not?"

"I think the honeymoon came...early."

Cellbit's eyes bugged out. "Should we be concerned?"

"Oh, no.'s not like THAT– I walked in on them kissing, it's probably not know?"

Cellbit glared at Foolish and ran up to Bad's room, guessing where it was because he had only seen Forever leave a couple times. He didn't even knock, he just barged in. His angry posture deflated and he shrunk with a red face. Forever and Bad were sitting up on the bed, clearly enjoying their lips. "O-oh..."

Forever scowled at Cellbit but didn't take his hands away from Bad's shoulders. "É melhor você precisar de mim com urgência!" {You better need me urgently!}

"Roier está morrendo. E você está aqui beijando o filho da fera." {Roier is dying. And you're here kissing the son of the beast.} Cellbit crossed his arms, only getting angry to save himself from the embarrassment of barging in on them. "Como você pode fazer isso?" {How can you do this?}

"Este não é o momento. Estou bem. Vá ficar com Roier." {This isn't the time. I'm okay. Go be with Roier.}

Bad sat awkwardly, not getting involved at all. He knew some Portuguese, enough to guess what they might be talking about.

Cellbit turned and left with a dramatic sigh. But from the hall he shouted, "come speak to me, Bad. When you're done."

Forever looked at Bad, breathing heavy and looking annoyed. "Maybe he has some point...this is not a good time for this stuffs."

Bad nodded once and kissed Forever's forehead. "It's okay, you're only human. Humans like being kissed and loved when they're scared. I'm going to go talk to Cellbit."

"Okay..." Forever ran his hands down Bad's arms until he rested at his hands. "Just one kiss more? Because I am only human, Bad." Forever said sweetly, using what Bad said in a playful mocking way.

Bad leaned in and kissed Forever once more on the lips, keeping it short and sweet. "You go down to the kitchen and get some food, okay? Your friends are probably eating too."

"Okay, Bad." Forever let Bad leave.

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