Epilogue: Generations

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Brian looked up excited, hearing the knock on the door. Brock smiled faintly at him, Evan sitting by his side. The Alpha went to answer the door, Brian shifting in his seat.

"Where is she?" He heard Lanai demand, not even bothering to say hi. Brian laughed lightly, Evan rolling his eyes at his sisters impatience.

"In here Lai, be quiet," Brock said amused, his voice soft. "Oh fuck, sorry," she whispered, Brian making a face at Evan as her footsteps grew louder.

Lanai and her fated omega, Max, walked around the corner. She'd found Max 6 years before, him being a guard from a neighboring kingdom. It'd been 11 years since the day Brian had been rescued from the former king, and 5 years since Brock had taken the throne from his father.

"Oh my God, is this her?" Lanai whispered elated, Brian chuckling as he shifted the week old baby in his arms. "Yes Lanai, meet Layla," he said softly, Evan taking her from Brian and handing her to Lanai.

The Alpha Queen cradled her close, eyes wide. "Oh my God she's so tiny," she whispered and Brian chuckled, shifting in his seat again to relax more comfortably against the couch.

"You doing okay Bri?" Lanai asked softly, finally looking up to look at him. "I'm fine, just extremely tired. A newborn is a lot of work, even with three of us here," he said with a yawn and she chuckled softly.

"I can't believe she's finally here, I thought she'd never be born," she said and Brian rolled his eyes. "You're telling me," he said amused and Brock chuckled.

"I was certain Brian would end up killing us this last month," he said with an eyeroll and Brian stuck his tongue out at him. His eyes still stuck to his baby though, even if he trusted Lanai with his life. He just didn't like her being too far from him.

"Wait, you said her name was Layla?" Lanai asked, suddenly remembering that. Brian smiled faintly at her, nodding. "Layla Anne, named after her godmother," he said and Lanai's mouth dropped open.

"Godmother?" She hissed, eyes lighting up. "Yes, godmother. If you want?" He asked and she carefully passed the sleeping baby to Evan before rushing over to hug Brian tightly.

"Oh my fucking God, yes!" She whisper yelled, Brian laughing as he hugged her back with a faint wince. He was still sore, it'd only been a week after all.

"Shoot, sorry for cursing and hugging you like that. You're still hurting aren't you?" She said sheepishly and Brian shrugged. "A little, apparently my ability doesn't think this is a life endangering injury and won't heal it, so I'm stuck healing normally," he said amused and she shook her head.

Layla started fussing, Brian looking over immediately. Evan was rocking her, humming softly but she didn't calm. "Here, I'll go make her a bottle," Brock said softly, leaving the room to go to the small station they had set up in their room.

Evan handed Brian the baby, the omega cradling her close and shushing softly. Layla calmed, tiny fingers wrapping around Brian's finger as he hummed lightly to her.

Her eyes were open, looking around. They were still a dark baby blue, but her hair was a light brown. Her skin was pinkish pale, and Brian had been told probably a dozen times she had his nose.

Brock returned with the bottle and Brian held the nipple to her lips, the baby latching on with her eyes drifting shut again. Brian looked up, seeing three identical looks of fondness on his mates and best friends faces.

"What?" He asked self consciously and Lanai chuckled. "You're adorable, she's adorable, fuck- ah, frick all of this is adorable. I can't believe I have a niece," she squealed softly and Brian chuckled.

"When you giving me one?" He asked teasingly and Max's eyes widened, glancing at Lanai worriedly. "I'm teasing Max, if you're not ready then you're not ready," Brian reassured him and the omega let out a sigh of relief.

Lanai chuckled, shaking her head. "We don't want kids for a few more years yet, we want to find our Beta first," she said and Brian raised an eyebrow.

"You're searching then?" He asked and she nodded. "I found Max by accident, and I'm so happy I did. We want our beta though, to complete it. We're traveling the kingdoms now, but there was no way I was missing being able to meet this sweet girl," she said and Brian nodded, looking down at his daughter again.

She'd finished her bottle and was dozing off, so he carefully propped her onto his shoulder and patted her back. She let out a small burp with some spit up, face scrunching with discomfort.

Brian hummed softly, moving her again to cradle her and carefully clean her face. He had a rag on his shoulder, so he wasn't too concerned about that.

She fell asleep again, tiny mouth slightly open as she breathed soft puffs of warm air. Brian kissed her hand, heart warm. He felt a faint pulse of love come from the bond, looking up to see Brock and Evan smiling faintly at him.

Brian yawned, Brock chuckling lightly. He gently took their daughter from his arms and Evan helped Brian stand. "You go get some rest love, we've got her. You sleep about an hour, we'll come wake you when it's time for either Layla to eat or it's time for dinner, okay?" Evan said softly and Brian nodded, yawning again.

Evan and Brock gave him a quick kiss, Lanai waving as Brian leaned over to kiss Layla's forehead. Daithi, John, Jon, Tyler, Smiity, Marcel and Scotty came into the room, as was the norm when it was time for Brian to nap.

He just felt better knowing so many people were there to protect Layla, having nearly had a panic attack the day she was born and the nurses had taken her to clean and care for her. John, Smiity and Tyler and immediately volunteered to be her personal bodyguards, following her everywhere when Brian couldn't.

Brian headed to their room, curling up under the covers. He could smell Brock and Evan on the blankets, the scents of hot chocolate and peppermint calming him. He smiled faintly, his body relaxing as he let sleep drift over him.

He couldn't believe how much his life had changed in 11 years. He had two amazing mates, the best friend a man could ask for. He and his mates were now kings for Barong, and most importantly, he had the most beautiful baby girl.

Yeah. Life was good.

That's a good ending yeah? Short and sweet, I think lol. But yeah! This is the absolute last chapter of Rare Ones lol this was a fun ride. I have one other story idea I'm about to start, but besides that I don't have any other BBS stories going right now, it's a weird feeling lol

Anyway, I hope yall enjoyed! Kisses!!


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