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Brian looked up curiously, seeing the castle just on the other side of the town they were in. They were going to stop for lunch, in which Brian would freshen up and change out of John's clothes and into some of his formal wear. He'd be meeting the King, Queen and Princess today, having overheard that the Prince and his mate were visiting Barong.

He could feel everyone's curious eyes on them, the news that the omega prince of Hadom was arriving with two guards. They'd thankfully made it here with only one other small attack by bandits, John taking care of it quickly.

They stopped for lunch, Brian ducking into the bathroom to clean up and change quickly. Once he was dressed in a set of princely travel wear, he joined John and Daithi and they got onto their horses. The trip to the castle was short, only 15 minutes, the guards at the gate bowing at him as they let him inside.

A couple of stable boys and a servant approached them, the boys taking the horses to the stable and the servant leading them inside. "Their Majesties and Her Highness are waiting for you in the throne room, it's down that corridor and the second door on your left," she said kindly and Brian nodded to her in thanks.

He straightened his spine and led John and Daithi to the directed room, pausing for a moment to take a deep breath as the guards opened the doors for him.

"Omega Prince Brian of the Hanby family and his guards, Corporal John and Specialist Daithi," the guard announced and Brian took in the Royal family for the first time.

King Micah was tall, brown eyes stern yet warm. His omega, Queen Janice, had a warm welcoming smile and soft blue eyes. Princess Lanai looked bored, making Brian smile faintly and she smirked at him, eyes sparkling with mischief.

That made him relax, knowing that even if he couldn't feel that attraction, at least they could be friends. He stopped at the foot of the stairs, Daithi and John flanking him.

He bowed low, holding it for a second before straightening up. "King Micah, Queen Janice, Princess Lanai, I thank you for welcoming us here," Brian said formally and the king nodded at him.

"What do you think, Lanai?" Was all he asked and Brian felt a flash of resignation and irritation. Princess Lanai tilted her head and he met her eyes, raising an eyebrow.

She must have liked something because she let a slow sarcastic smile cross her lips. "I like him, he's got some spunk. I think we'll get along just fine," she said and Brian smiled amused.

"Very well. Liz, show our guests to their quarters so they can wash and prepare for dinner. We're having a feast to celebrate the uniting of our kingdoms," King Micah said and Brian bowed again before turning to face the servant.

"This way, Sire," she said and Brian followed her out, John and Daithi right behind him. "That was short. But I do think you'll get along pretty well with the Princess," John commented and Brian shrugged.

"I think she'll make a good friend, she's nothing like I expected," Brian said and Liz laughed lightly. "Oh I'm sorry Your Highness. But you're correct, Princess Lanai is quite the character. She's kept us on our toes for many years with her antics," she said and Brian grinned.

"Oh then they'll absolutely get along, Prince Brian has been a chaotic one to keep up with," Daithi teased and Brian rolled his eyes.

They stopped in front of a door and Liz opened it. "These will be your rooms, Prince Brian, until the wedding. I shall return in 3 hours to lead you to the dining hall," she said and Brian nodded at her, saying a soft, "Thank you for your help."

She curtsied and left the three to enter the room. Brian sighed in relief, stretching his arms above his head and tossing his things onto the couch.

"It looks like the guard rooms are over here, yours is over there. You better dress in your finest, Brine, so go bathe and we'll meet you here," Daithi said and Brian nodded.

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