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Weeks past quickly and Brian, Brock and Evan had spent hours learning about each other. Lanai often was there, but only because no one outside of the king and queen, the three princes, Lanai and all 8 of their guards were allowed to know about the princes' bond.

Liz had found out, and Lanai impressed heavily on the need for secrecy. She had been horrified when she'd heard Brian and Lanai were still forced to marry and she shook her head.

"My husband and I are here for you, Prince Brian. We'll help you in any way we can," she said softly, a hand over her heart. Brian smiled faintly at her, taking and squeezing her hand.

"Where is your husband? Does he work here?" He asked curiously and she shook her head. "No sir, he lives in town. I get to see him nights and weekends," she said and Brian frowned.

"Liz, I want you to go get him. Have him come here to me, I'll have Scotty go with you so the guards know to let you enter. I want you and your husband to work personally with Brian, you're being promoted," Evan said and Liz lit up.

"Really sire? I'll go get him at once!" She gasped, curtsying deeply before rushing off down the hall. "Scotty, meet her at the gates, bring them back to my rooms and have one of the other servants bring me a message of when you arrive," Evan said and Scotty nodded, moving towards the entrance hall.

"Liz has been here since she was a child, her parents are my parents personal helpers. She's the same age as I am and came to the castle when she was 11. She became a pretty close friend but my father apparently believed she was trying to be above her station and demoted her and moved her to a different part of the castle. It wasn't until she officially started working for us 2 years ago that I saw her again," Lanai said softly and Brian sighed.

The three princes and Lanai went to walk the gardens, Lanai and Brian next to each other as ordered though Brock and Evan were on Brian's other side.

Brian hated not being able to walk with just his mates. They'd found each other two weeks before and outside of their rooms, they never saw each other without Lanai or the King and Queen nearby.

He also felt as if his standing had diminished. He was already mostly ignored as an Omega, but being a prince let him have some kind of respect. Now, he felt as if he was being treated like an omega criminal. King Micah refused to address him directly and would refer to him as nothing outside the omega. Not even omega prince.

The queen just kept giving him pitiful looks, shaking her head every time Brian met her eye. It never failed to make Brian feel ashamed and low, and he hated it.

He deeply missed home. At least there his parents supported him, even if they had that mindset Omegas couldn't do much. At least there, his mother would give him proud, loving smiles. She never doubted him, though she never spoke up.

"I've returned, Highnesses," Liz said from behind them and they all turned to see her standing next to an average sized man, dark black hair and bright blue eyes. His arms rippled with muscle, hands dirty.

"You're a blacksmith?" Brian asked curiously and the man gave him a wry smile. "No, Your Highness, I'm an apprentice. My father is the blacksmith. My name is Jon," he introduced himself, giving a short bow to the four.

"Has Liz told you why we brought you here?" Evan asked and the man shook his head. "No sir. Just that you wanted to see us," he said Evan nodded.

"I'd like to hire you. But considering your talents, perhaps as the apprentice to our castle blacksmith? Or would you rather be a guard?" He asked and Jon blinked, tilting his head.

"You wish to hire me? Why?" He asked confused, hastily adding, "Uh, Your Highness."

Evan chuckled and set his forearm on Brian's shoulder, making the omega frown at him. "Liz has been a trusted helper for us, and we wish to see her happy. She's got excellent judgement, and anyone she's married to has got to be a good man. We have secrets being kept around here and we'd like Liz to have someone to talk to, and we don't want her to be keeping secrets from her husband," he explained and Jon tilted his head.

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