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It had been two weeks since that challenge, and Brock and Evan were exhausted. Lanai had woken a couple hours after they'd brought her to the infirmary and she had been absolutely horrified and heartbroken when they'd told her Brian had become a Rare One.

But she'd stepped into her role easily as the new queen, her mother stepping aside easily but offering to give advice as needed. They hadn't seen a hair of the former king since he'd vanished after Brian made him turn over the crown, and it set everyone on edge.

Evan had hired new guards, a constant rotation with orders of bringing the former king in if they ever saw him. Lanai worked with the commoners, giving supplies and protectors the former king had denied them.

Brian's parents had arrived three days after he'd collapsed, demanding answers. Brock had told them everything, what the king had done and forbidden and what had happened that day of the challenge.

They stayed for as long as possible, Queen Sarah wishing to know her sons mates better. She was beautifully glowing, her pregnancy at its 6 month mark and Brock and Evan did everything they could to keep her calm and safe for the sake of the baby.

King Percy had been beside himself, the fate of his child shoving his treatment of Brian in his face and the realization of what he did and had been doing changed him. He and Lanai strengthened their alliance, as well as Lanai and King Jansen when he'd heard the news.

The kingdom nearly revolted when they'd heard what their king had done. Lanai had worked relentlessly for the last two weeks calming them, making sure they all knew she was Queen now and Brian would be with his mates from then on.

Brock and Evan had agreed that if Brian wanted to, he could remain "married" to Lanai but be open with their bond. Brian would make an amazing King, and Brock and Evan were proud to support him.

All he had to do was wake up.

Brian's heart had faded in and out four times since the healers had brought him to the infirmary, but each time a bright light tinged with gold and purple would surround him and his heart would even out.

"It appears his new talent mixed with yours and Prince Evan's bond is refusing to let him go. We have hopes for him waking soon, but it's completely up to him," the head healer told Brock the last time it had happened and the Alpha sighed, eyes locked on his omega.

News of the omega prince becoming a Rare One after seeing Princess, now Queen, Lanai and Prince Evan nearly be killed by the former king had spread and royals from all corners of the planet had flocked in to catch a glimpse of the new Rare One.

Brock had set up a constant rotation of guards around the infirmary with strict orders of letting no one in but Brian's parents, Lanai, Liz, Chrissy, himself and Evan and all their guards.

John and Daithi refused to leave Brian's side, only going to sleep and shower when forced. Tyler and Smiity would beg John to go with them and those were the only times John would be away. Lui had taken it upon himself to make sure Daithi took care of himself and Liz and Chrissy made sure everyone was fed.

Two more weeks passed with no sign of Brian waking, but the royals of Foningdom got a surprise visitor.

An old man walked slowly up the the castle, eyes creased with pain but a faint smile on his lips. Lanai had greeted him with a curtsy, the man bowing low.

"Your Majesty, it's wonderful to see you again," he said softly and Lanai paused, looking at Evan confused who just shrugged. "You two were very young last time I was here," the man said with a small smile and Lanai smiled back.

"I apologize for not remembering, may I ask your name?" She asked and the man nodded. "I am Mitchell Pyrite, Your Majesty," he said softly and the three royals blinked in surprise.

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