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Brian walked down the hall of his home, the Castle of Hadom, which homed the Royal family Hanby. Brian was a prince, an omega prince, which meant the family treated him as unimportant until he became of age, which had happened two years before.

As soon as he turned 18, his mother started training him on how to be a proper omega spouse for an Alpha king. He hated it. He was more than just an omega. He was strong, he was fast. He was an amazing shot with his bow and arrow, one of the best in his kingdom. But because of biology, no one cared about that. All he was allowed to be shown as was someone to marry off and be a proper omega partner.

He walked irritated to his father's study with his two best friends and guards, Daithi and John. They were both betas, which meant they weren't ruled by their biologies like Brian or other omegas and Alphas would be.

Daithi and John were about the same age as Brian, Daithi only a couple months older and John a year older. As children of guards, they had been trained from a young age in preparation to be Brian's guards once he became of age. He'd befriended them before any of them had presented at 9 years old and they were still very close 11 years later.

Brian knocked on his father's study door firmly, knowing if he was hesitant with the approach his father would reprimand him for "acting like an omega" which Brian thought was dumb considering he was an Omega, how else was he supposed to act.

"Enter," he heard faintly, and he stepped inside, Daithi and John giving him faint smiles of encouragement as they stood next to the guards his father had already placed next to the door.

"You wished to see me, Father?" Brian asked formally, standing with his back straight and his arms crossed behind his back.

"Yes, Brian. As you know, we're growing too close to a war with Foningdom. We've been negotiating for two years now, trying to quell the unrest between us. King Micah believes the best way to overcome this uneasiness is to create a more solidified alliance, like they have with Barlong," he started, and Brian's shoulders stiffened.

"They got that alliance when Beta Prince Evan and Alpha Prince Brock were discovered to be fated pairs," he said slowly, already catching where this was going.

"Yes. They have an Alpha Princess, her name is Lanai. King Micah wishes to unite our kingdoms with an arranged marriage between you and her," he said, and Brian stared at him in disbelief.

"You- you want me to marry a princess? Father, you know I prefer men," he said flatly, and the king straightened his shoulders, glaring at his son. "Your little phase doesn't matter when it comes to the safety of our country. I have already signed the contract, and you will marry the Princess in a month's time. I'm sending you and your guards this weekend to help your bride prepare for this wedding where you will be bonded and act like a proper omega, do you understand," he demanded, the Alpha timbre echoing in his words and Brian flinched back as his omega bowed in submission.

"Yes, father, I understand," he muttered, straightening his back and turning to walk out. He left the room, anger swirling in his stomach as Daithi and John hurried to catch up.

No words were spoken and Brian led the two to the armory where his bow and quiver sat, slinging the quiver over his shoulder and stringing his bow.

"Brian?" Daithi asked softly, and the prince ignored him for a moment, moving to where the wooden dummies sat and setting one up. He moved about 20 meters away, loading an arrow and sitting down the shaft. He let go and the arrow sailed smoothly through the air to impale the dummy right between the eyes.

"Father has arranged for me to marry the Princess of Foningdom in one month," he said finally, voice tight with anger. "He wishes for us three to travel there this weekend to meet the family and so I can help my bride prepare for the wedding."

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