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Brock paced agitated, anger and worry filling him. Evan sat watching him, Lanai talking to Daithi, John and Jon. Brian and Scotty had been missing 5 days already, and Brock, Evan, Marcel and Chrissy were feeling frantic.

Chrissy and Scotty hadn't completed the bond, so she couldn't feel him. And Brock and Evan didn't know why, but the bond between them and Brian was muffled, as if someone had made it tangible and then shoved it underwater.

Jon and Marcel felt horrible, feeling as if they'd failed. Daithi and John had spent the entire first day talking to them, getting every detail and reassuring them it wasn't their fault. It was no ones fault.

Brock sat down heavily on the couch, Evan taking his hand and threading his fingers with his. Brock once again sent a pulse down the bond, getting nothing back. He closed his eyes, trying to take comfort that the bond was still there and not severed. But who knew what that man was doing to his omega?


Brian almost couldn't breathe, his body aching and floating at the same time. He could feel Scotty beside him, his feet pressed against his ankle. He didn't know how long he'd been there, or still didn't know where he was.

His bond to his mates was muffled, and he couldn't reach them. He tried so many times, trying to send any kind of pulse down it, but he couldn't reach it.

Micah had come in several times, mostly to gloat as he forced Brian to swallow a thick paste. Brian tried to reach for his fire, anything, but he couldn't connect to it. He didn't know what Micah was feeding him, but it was doing something to him that cut him off from everything.

It'd been at least 4 hours since the last time Micah had visited, Brian dimly keeping track of the shadows coming from the tiny window. His mind was slowly clearing, but still no connection.

"I don't hear him," Scotty whispered and Brian tilted his head, his stomach twisting slightly but not having anything in it to throw up. "How are you feeling?"

Brian made a face, Scotty chuckling weakly. He swallowed, trying to force himself into a sitting position. He gagged hard, his body curling into itself as he struggled to the wall.

Finally he laid back against the wall, breathing hard. He spit on the ground next to him, groaning in misery. "Fuck," he mumbled and Scotty nodded in agreement.

Brian closed his eyes, reaching once more for his bond with Evan and Brock, but finding nothing. He sighed heartbroken, blinking his eyes dazedly open and staring at the ceiling.

He and Scotty sat there quietly, Scotty looking around the room for the thousandth time to see if he could see anything that could help them.

"Brian, wait, you have your pins on you still," Scotty gasped, sitting up straighter. Brian frowned absently, trying to gather his thoughts as he could feel the drug leaving his system and it was leaving him exhausted.

"What?" He mumbled, looking down at his ratty clothes. "Your pins, you have your pins, look," Scotty said, pointing at Brian's vest. He patted slowly, feeling the lump under his vest. He blinked slowly, the dots slowly connecting.

"Can you get me one of them?" Scotty asked and Brian's fingers fumbled at his vest, trying to focus on not dropping it. Finally he managed to get his Rare One pin off, fingers curled around it as he pushed it on the floor to Scotty.

The other omega picked it up and started working on his chains, Brian watching faintly. The drug was leaving him quicker now, the fog clearing from his mind.

Brian reached for his bond with his mates, it finally faintly connecting. Energy shot through him, eyes widening at the pulse of shock he received in return. "I connected," he hissed and Scotty looked up from where he was listening to the locking mechanism.

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