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"King Brian," the former king said mockingly, aiming the crossbow at him. Brian gave him an even glare, back straight.

"Micah," he said back, the slight in his voice as he refused to use the man's former title. The former kings face twisted into a sneer, anger clear on his face.

"That's King Micah to you, omega," he said flatly and Brian scoffed. "You're no longer king, I am. You gave up any right to the throne when you tried to murder your children," he said flatly and the king laughed humorlessly.

"My children are weak, letting an Omega tell them what to do. I'm here to fix that," he said, gesturing with the crossbow.

"Drop your weapon, you have no power here," Brian demanded and the king smirked. "No power, huh? I'm an Alpha, I have all the power, especially over you omega," he sneered and Brian readied himself, knowing he was about to throw an Alpha command at him.

He'd been taught by Lord Pyrite how to break Alpha Commands, saying as a Rare One and a King now, he needed to learn before an Alpha tried to take advantage of him. It wasn't a well known talent, very few Omegas being taught it was possible. But Brian had plans to change that.

"Stand aside," the former king demanded and Brian refused to waver as much as his instincts told him to. He struggled a moment, a pressure building in his head before he managed to break the command, taking a sharp breath.

"I don't think so, drop your weapon, now," Brian snapped, hearing the shocked gasps around him. Only Lanai, Brock, Evan and their guards knew Brian could break Alpha commands, as Lord Pyrite had taught them too how to ignore their instincts as needed.

The former king looked rattled, shock clear on his face. Brian let a smug smirk cross his face a moment before returning to his impassive glare.

"No! I am king, this is my Kingdom! Stand aside!" The former king yelled, spittle flying from his mouth as he squeezed the trigger on the crossbow.

Brian flung a ball of fire at the flying arrow, stopping it in the middle of the room. The royals around them screamed, everyone backing even further away.

The former king rapidly shot 3 more arrows, having had them nocked in the reserves. Brian flung fire at all of them but one missed, flying past him. He whirled around to see Queen Janice bent in half, eyes wide as she clutched the arrow sticking from her chest.

Brian's fire vanished as the guards flew forward, detaining the former king. Brian ran to the former queen, catching her before she fell. Lanai and Evan rushed over, eyes wide as Brian let a sliver of fire go down the wood of the arrow, vaporizing it so he didn't have to try and yank it out.

His body started glowing purple, hands pressed over the wound. It sank into the former queens body, healing the wound from the inside out. The queen sighed shakily as the pain faded and Brian sat back, looking up over at the former king.

He was held tightly between John and Tyler, the rest of the guards surrounding him with their swords drawn. "Take him to the holding cells, I'll come deal with him later," Brian ordered and the guards bowed, Tyler and John forcing Micah to bow too.

The former king had a frantic, angry look on his face. "You're all getting what's coming for you! Omegas don't deserve power, they're weak!" He screamed as Tyler and John yanked him back, pulling him from the room.

Evan and Lanai had helped their mother stand, her guards rushing forward to help support her. "Get her to the infirmary to make sure I didn't miss anything," Brian said and the two guards bowed to him, taking her from Lanai and Evan and leading her from the hall.

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