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Four hours after Anthony and Lui left, they returned. "We've brought the daughter, apparently her father passed away two years ago," Anthony said and Evan stood. "You stay here Brocky, Lanai and I will take care of this okay? Just let me know if something happens," he said softly and Brock nodded, pulling him down to kiss him softly.

"Get some answers," he said softly and Evan nodded. He and Lanai left with Anthony, Lui and Tyler behind them. Marcel stayed back with Scotty, which Evan didn't blame him for. He'd have told him to stay regardless.

The trip to the dungeons was quick, Evan's eyes hard with anger. He didn't care that his clothes were still covered with blood, though by the way the guards looked at him as he passed he figured he must look a bit frightening.

He and Lanai followed Anthony and Lui to where the other four guards stood, standing by a cell where a woman was screaming at them to let them go. "I did nothing wrong! You have no right to- Evan? Lanai?" She cut off her screaming, eyes wide as she took in Evan's form.

"Kelsey. Been a long time," Evan said calmly, crossing his arms as he looked at his cousin. There'd be a time where she had been his favorite cousin, but all feelings of fondness had been erased by the look of his omega beaten and drugged. Drugged by an herb he knew only she held.

"Have you seen Father recently?" Lanai asked smoothly, the siblings standing mirrored. Kelsey looked back and forth between them, eyes wide at the intimidation.

"I- I saw him a few weeks ago, he didn't look so good. Why? What happened? Since Father died, I haven't been paying attention to the outside world," she said confused and Evan raised an eyebrow.

"Father tried to come between a fated bond between Evan, Brock and their omega. A week ago the Omega King went missing, and we only found him today. Drugged by an herb that blocked a fated bond," Lanai said calmly, though her eyes shown with anger.

"Uncle did what?" Kelsey gasped, eyes comically wide. Evan scoffed. "Kelsey, if there's one thing that hasn't changed, it's you being unable to act. Why did you help him?" He asked flatly, the need to get answers of what happened to his omega making his chest tight.

"I- I didn't help him! I didn't! Father kept in contact with him, even after he was publicly disowned, I found their letters a few months after Father passed. I found Uncle searching the gardens a few weeks ago, and chased him off. I didn't recognise him until after he'd called me niece, and he said he only needed a few herbs to heal someone. I let him take whatever he wanted, because one of the letters said he was to be trusted to make things right," she insisted, Evan frowning as he studied her.

"She's telling the truth. The herb he took, is there a way to purge it from the body?" He asked, voice still tight. Kelsey nodded quickly. "The antidote is at my farm, planted next to the drug. You need to make it into a soup mixture, heated, it won't work otherwise. Is, is your omega okay?" She whispered and Evan looked down.

"He's barely alive. Father nearly killed him, and if it wasn't for Brian going through the Rare One change a few months ago, Father would have succeeded. Brian killed him," he said finally, the image of his fathers corpse coming to mind again.

"Your omega is a Rare One? How?" Kelsey gasped and Evan gritted his teeth. "When Father demanded Brock and I stay away from him after we completed our bond, Lanai wasn't having it. She challenged him to a duel, and before the fight, announced to the whole stadium that he was coming between a fated bond.

"Something snapped in Father and he killed Lanai. I went to help and he nearly killed me too. Brian and Lanai are best friends, and seeing her get killed and myself about to get killed caused the change. He has healing abilities and an offensive fire ability," Evan said quietly and Kelsey blinked at him slowly.

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