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As Winter and Cinder duel above in the air, Weiss and Jaune desperately walk towards the closest portal. Cinder takes notice of this and sets a trap. Weiss and Jaune are to weak to notice before it's to late. The trap explodes, careening Jaune over the edge, his aura shattering. "JAUNE!!!!!!" screamed Weiss, but there is nothing she can do because Jaune is suddenly taken by a swirling grey and blue portal (slipspace). "Dammit Jaune! Why did you sacrifice yourself!" "It should have been me, not you!" exclaims Weiss, but she realizes that the paths to the portals are slowly dissipating. "Winter, we need to move now!" Winter looks back at Weiss, and nods, but before she goes, she takes the relic that had clattered to the ground during the fight, and leaves just as the portals close. Cinder, desperately trying not to fail her mistress, gives chase, but she is to late. Stuck with nowhere to go, she does what her last name dictates she will do, she falls.

But Jaune is not dead, far from it. As he travels through slipspace, he feel younger, smaller, and most importantly weaker. When suddenly, the portal spits him out in an unfamiliar place in the middle of space. He doesn't know where he is, but at least he has Crocea Mors, the yellow death. 

James Clark is walking to the main area of the selected children to participate in the Spartan III program on the UNSC Destiny's Call, a Nevada-Class Heavy Frigate. They need more volunteers fore Gamma company, when suddenly he encounters a six year old child he has never met. He knows everyone of the candidates names and faces, so seeing a child he didn't immediately recognize startled him. After regaining his composure, he took a look at the child. He has a mop of blonde hair, fair skin, and deep blue eyes. But what started him was the fact that he had a shield and broken sword. 

"He kid, what are you doing here?" he enquires. "A big blue portal sucked mean when I was defending my friend from a bad person!" 'Must have been slipspace.' James thinks. "Ok what is your name kid?" "Jaune Arc" he says. "Ok Jaune, there is a program to be a hero and defender of humanity, but we need more volunteers." "Now, how old are you?" "Six" Jaune responds. "Ok perfect, so kid I need to ask you, do you want to be a protector of humanity? We can even fix you sword and coat them both in bulletproof metals, s what do you say." "Is it like being a huntsman?" 'I have no idea what a huntsman is, but we do need more recruits and now.' "Yea, you can help fight back aginsed the enemies of man." "Then I'm all in!" "Awesome, now we will get you into the systems and then we will direct you with all of the other kids, oh and also, we need you sword and shield..." "It's called Crocea Mors!" "Ok we need to take Crocea Mors to be able to repair her. "Ok." Jaune looked sad but it was quickly replaced with the excitement of being about to wield her again. Jaune hands over Crocea Mors to James "Awesome, my name is James Clark, and I am the one picking the candidates, so I will show you to the 'playpen' as we like to call it." 

Little does Jaune know that this will be the last shred of his extremely short childhood again. 

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