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-Lucy's POV-

Its always the same routine for me just dark and dark inside this stupid lamp only coming out to grant wishes and then coming right back in....its hard being a gennie..I have feelings like a human, dreams and desires but unlike humans I can never follow or do what I want ....It has been I think around 150 years since I last came out, gennies dont get old either...the only way that this can change is for somebody to wish for my freedom but...its not freedom I want but to be human, get old, live a normal life like so many that i have seen through out the years...but it can never happen

Then out of nowhere the lamp started illuminating, and here we go again more wishes to make true...

As soon as I get out I started making the same speech as always expecting to find a rich person that still wanted more

Lucy - You who rubbed my lamp know that from now forward you have 3 wishes, know that I cant kill anybody or make somb-

I stopped myself from talking when I opened my eyes and saw nobody

Lucy - What?

I looked around and I see a pink thing in the floor, it was a guy...hmm first time I come out and the person who summoned me is unconscious...

Lucy - Now what... I have to wait....BORING

Sudenly Im pushed by something and see my old good and only friend

Lucy - OMG, Plue how long has it been??

Plue is the name I gave to the magic carpet, Yup a magic carpet...Through out the centuries I saw a lot of people die and also the fact that Im a gennie didnt help in any way to make friends so Im alone aside from him...He always keeps me company and everytime I get out of the lamp he is near me....He is the sweetest even if he doesnt talk I can understand him someway and I wouldnt change our relationship for anything in this world.

Then I look to the side and see the guy waking up

-Time skip to the present-

Could it be that he didnt know what a gennie was? Impossible....right

Lucy - So...you dont know what a gennie is?...

Natsu - Nop...

Lucy - And you didnt call me to grant you wishes?

Natsu - N-Wait wishes?

I turned to Plue

Lucy - CAN YOU BELIEVE IT PLUE?? Finally somebody who doesnt call me on purpose

Natsu - So what did you say about wishes?

Lucy - Right...So Im a gennie basically Im a magic being born to grant wishes to people

Natsu - You can grant any wishes??

Lucy - In some limits

Natsu - Can you make me marry the princess?

Lucy - The princess??

Natsu - Yes her name is Lisanna...When we were really young my mom worked as a servant and me and her played together...

Lucy - So you love her?

Natsu - Kinda I think I like her.... and I have always wanted to be rich

Lucy - Wait so you just wanna be rich?

Natsu - Not just...I do want to but at the same time I kinda wanna see if I really like her like her or if its just memories...

Lucy - You are lucky.....

Natsu - What do you mean?

Lucy - I have always wanted to know what it is to love somebody....

Natsu - You have never liked anybody?

Lucy - I cant, a gennie cant live with humans for a lot of time

Natsu - Why not?

Lucy - Because If people saw that I can grant wishes things would get ugly pretty fast....

Natsu - Right....so about the princess part?

Lucy - Like I said I have certain limits, them being i can't kill or make anybody fall for you

Natsu - You dont have to make her love me....but maybe help me in meeting with her again cause there is no way a princess would just marry a beggar....

Lucy - Right well... maybe I can turn you into a prince Im sure she would meet you like that .....but for that to happen first we have to get out

Natsu - Right...you know tecnically you could just get us out without counting as a wish just for me to see if you really have powers

Lucy - OK

Natsu - Really?

Lucy - Nop pretty boy, this is simple: you wish I grant no other way.

Natsu - Fine....I wish to get out of here

And just like that I granted the wish and we were out me, Natsu, the cat and plue because I will not leave him in that dark cave alone.

Natsu - Wow its the real deal...

Lucy - Yup now to the second wish

Natsu - Right I wish to be a prince

Lucy - A prince coming right up!

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