Chapter 83 - Maiami Championship Semifinals I

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"Then, it's my turn!" Yuri announced. "Draw! Now then, it's time for my mightiest Monster to show its splendor once again. Using my three Fusion Monsters, I will perform a Triple Contact Fusion!"

As his three Monsters swirled inside a multi-colored vortex, Yuri chanted with his hands clasped in front of him.

"Avaricious dragon with poisonous fangs! Beautiful flowers with an insect-alluring fragrance! Now become one with the Supreme King's heart within me and stand atop the summit of creation as the mightiest existence! Triple Contact Fusion! Appear, Level 12! The Supreme King Dominion Dragon – Prideful Venom Fusion Dragon (ATK: 4000/DEF: 3500/LV: 12)!"

The final form of Starve Venom on Yuri's field, letting out a furious roar.

"Prideful Venom..." Hayato remarked with a troubled expression. "Looks like the Duel is entering its final stage. Hang in there, son..."

"Prideful Venom's effect activates." Yuri continued. "When this card is summoned successfully, my opponent has to either send all their Monsters to their Graveyard or take damage equal to their Level multiplied by 200. I wonder what your choice will be."

"As if I have a choice here." Yukio snorted. "I'll send Disaster Karma to the Graveyard."

A fissure opened underneath Disaster Karma, with several vines erupting from it and entangling Disaster Karma, dragging him into the depths.

"However, my dragon won't be gone for long." Yukio smirked. "I activate the effect of Chaos Providence in my Graveyard. When a "Ritual Dragon" Monster leaves my field, I can banish this card to Special Summon it in attack position and make it unable to be targeted by my opponent's card effects. Revive once again, Disaster Karma!"

A wave of azure flames erupted from the fissure, burning away the vines. Immediately afterwards, Disaster Karma flew out of the chasm and came to hover in front of Yukio.

"Well played, but you're far from safe, Yukio." Yuri said. "I activate Prideful Venom's second effect, banishing Chaos Karma from your Graveyard in order to have my dragon gain its attack and effects (Prideful Venom ATK: 4000→6800). Then, I activate the effect Prideful Venom inherited from Chaos Karma to destroy your Disaster Karma and deal damage to you equal to half its attack! Do it, Prideful Venom! Atropos Slash!"

"I won't let you!" Yukio roared. "I activate the Continuous Trap Card Supreme King's Armor, equipping it to Disaster Karma! Through its effect, Disaster Karma cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects!"

Following Yukio's words, Prideful Venom's claws were elongated as it attempted to skewer Disaster Karma with them. However, several black armor pieces with green energy lines attached themselves on Disaster Karma's body, generating a forcefield that repelled Prideful Venom's attack.

"Alright then, we'll do this the old-fashioned way." Yuri declared. "Battle! Prideful Venom Fusion Dragon, attack Disaster Karma Ritual Dragon! Vainglorious Corrosion Burst!"

"I activate the Trap Card Reactive Armor!" Yukio exclaimed. "Through its effect, your Monster will be destroyed!"

"In that case, I'll pay half my Life Points to activate Raging Venom's effect in my Graveyard!" Yuri shouted. "Through it, I can equip it to Prideful Venom and prevent its destruction!"

The specter of Raging Venom appeared behind Prideful Venom, using its arms to shield it from the shockwave that erupted from Yukio's Trap Card. At the same time, Yuri winced as a crimson aura surrounded him.

Yuri – LP: 900→450

"The battle continues!" Yuri let out a wide smile as Prideful Venom opened its three mouths wide, unleashing three violet-colored blasts that converged into a massive beam. "Fall, Yukio!"

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