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Several hours later,

Marianna is in her room. She is still thinking about finding out that Hector and Gina were the missing Montes De Alba twins. She says that she won't judge them because she is in no place to judge anyone, and also because Helena and Carlos probably killed their father before trying to kill them and then stole their father's money. She adds that if the same thing had happened to her, she would also want to avenge her father. Before she can continue, she hears somebody open the door. She waits to see who it is. It's Martin. Marianna's breath is caught in her throat. He is just as handsome as he has always been.

He asks her how she is. Marianna says that she is fine. He asks her if she has read the story about the twins. Marianna says she has. She says that it is trending all over. She says that he might not believe her but she feels sorry for what happened to them. Martin says nothing but smiles. She says to herself that he is just too attractive. She says that if things had turned out differently, she would have loved to be with him. When Martin sees that Marianna's mind has wandered off, he moves nearer to her and places a hand on her forehead. She then comes back to the present and asks him what he was doing.

He says that he got jealous when she wasn't paying attention to him. Marianna smiles at him. She says that she can see that he is just as sarcastic as ever. Martin then says that he came to talk to her about something. Marianna asks him what he wanted to talk to her about. Martin says that he was just wondering what would happen once she was released. Marianna says that she will go back to her house. She then looks at Martin questioningly. She says that she finds it strange that he would come all this way, especially with everything happening, to ask her where she will go. Martin says that she will probably still need some kind of care, even after being discharged and he was concerned. Marianna tells him not to worry. She says that she will be fine.


At the mental hospital,

Due to the drama surrounding the revelations that Hector and Gina were the missing Montes De Alba twins, they were both unable to go and visit their father. However, Aranza does. When she enters his room, she goes and hugs him and starts crying. Her father hugs her too. It pains him to see her sad. She says that she doesn't understand why her brother and sister had to lie straight to everyone's face. Gabriel says that she told him that her mother is an evil woman who tried to kill the twins. Aranza says that her mother is evil but it doesn't explain why they didn't just say who they were when they came back into her, Adrianna, and Antonio's lives.

She adds that she can understand them having to go away as children because they were defenseless, but when they grew up, they should have told the truth. Gabriel says that maybe they shouldn't have lied to everyone when they came back to the city, but their hearts were in the right place. Aranza looks at her father surprised. She says that she can understand her siblings wanting to take revenge for their father's death and taking back the company Helena and Carlos stole, but they would have prevented a lot of heartache and problems by telling the truth in the beginning.

Gabriel says now that everything is out in the open, they can work on making up for lost time and getting back what is rightfully theirs. He then asks her if she is angry at her brother and sister. Aranza seems to think about it, then says that she doesn't think she is. She adds that she is just so confused because it has been a long and emotionally draining day. She adds that she cannot wait to talk to them after, they have talked to Adrianna and Antonio because she wants to hear what they have to say. Gabriel says to himself that soon enough, she will know that she is his daughter.

Later that night,

At Antonio and Gabriela's house,

Antonio was in his study. He had said very little to Gabriela since he came. He had come back late. It had been a very long day for him. He had always known that she was keeping something big from him but never in his wildest dreams would he have believed it was so life-changing. She and her brother were the missing twins. There is a knock on the door and Gabriela comes in, He barely looks up at her. She says that she knows that she is the last person he wants to see but they have to talk. She says that she is sorry. He looks up from his laptop, then stands by the side of the desk facing her. He coolly asks her what else is left for them to discuss. He adds that the newspaper report said everything.

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