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A little while later, Alejandro arrives to see Marianna. She is alone, with her daughter. He looks at the baby with utter annoyance and contempt because she is Hector and Adrianna's daughter. For that reason, he cannot stand her. Alejandro says that he is getting tired of waiting, and he cannot stand seeing Hector and Adrianna together. Marianna says that she understands how he feels, but they have to do things slowly and systematically to avoid suspicion.

She tells him that while they have waited for long, they don't have that much longer to wait and it's all worth it. Out of curiosity, Alejandro asks Marianna if she feels any guilt over switching the children. Marianna asks him why he is asking. Alejandro says he is just curious. Marianna shrugs and says that it's not like any of the children will come into any harm.

Meanwhile, at the country club, Claudia is with her friends. As often, Gina is a topic of discussion. Claudia, says that she cannot stand the sight of her, but there is nothing she can do. A friend says that what is even worse is that she is adopted, and they don't know her background. She adds that she probably comes from a questionable background. Claudia adds that because of that twit her grandson defies her, is rude, quarrelsome, and has left a good woman like Isabella.

Elsewhere, Antonio is now at Isabella's house. He carries his son and looks at him with pride. To himself, Antonio vows to never, let him feel the contempt with which he holds Isabella. He also adds that he will always be there for him and that he (baby) will be welcome at his (Antonio's) and Gina's house whenever he (baby) wants. Isabella comes back into the sitting room and smiles. She says that Antonio looks so natural with their son. She adds that fatherhood suits him so well.

Antonio says that he is only there for his son. Isabella says that they could be a happy family if only he could let her into his heart again. Antonio says that he is sorry for playing with her but he has fallen in love with Gina. He says that she should move on and they should focus on co-parenting their son. Isabella says that she will never let that silly townie have him. Antonio beginning to get rather irritated says that he is not a trophy or a prize to be won or lost.

He adds that he is of sound mind and he has already made up his mind. Isabella sarcastically says like he did when he wanted her because she was the most beautiful girl on campus. Antonio takes a deep breath and says that he is sorry, but a lot has happened since then and, he is in love with Gina.

Meanwhile, John is in his room. He wonders aloud what it would feel like to have a family. He says that he would love nothing more than to play with his grandchildren. He then remembers Hector and Gina and says (to himself) that he would love to meet their children. He also wonders if he will ever leave the hospital and have a normal life.

On Monday morning,

Gina calls Adrianna. Adrianna isn't in the bedroom, so Hector, picks it up. He asks Gina if she has missed him already. She rolls her eyes and tells him if that's what he wants to believe, it's okay. She adds that she wanted to talk to Adrianna. Hector says that Adrianna has stepped out a bit. He then asks Gina what she wanted to talk to Adrianna about. Gina said she was thinking that they should organise a girls' hang-out session with Adrianna, Emma, Aranza, and the children.

Hector thinks it's a good idea. Adrianna comes into the room. Hector puts the phone down and tells her the drama queen is calling her. He then picks up the phone to tell Gina that he is giving Adrianna the phone. Gina then tells him she had him call her a drama queen. Hector shrugs and asks what lies he told before handing the phone over to Adrianna.

Later, at Isabella's house, she passes by the dining room, a fashion magazine in her hand. The house help is feeding the child. Isabella isn't even the least bit interested in how the child is doing.

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