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Sometime later, Marianna has already updated Isabella, Alejandro, and Horacio about 'her' daughter's illness. Isabella is to go to the hospital that day to see them.

Elsewhere, Aranza calls Aurelio. They are both at the university. She says that even though they can't stand Marianna, they should go and give Hector moral support. He agrees and says that they should leave, together after their last classes.

Back at the hospital,

Anna Patricia has arrived. She is comforting Hector, as Marianna sits down quietly. Just then, the doctor comes out. They all go to him and ask him how the child is. He looks at them with a serious face, pauses, and then tells them that the child's bone marrow has developed complications and cannot function adequately and she needs a transplant, from a compatible donor as soon as possible. Anna Patricia, Hector, and Marianna are equally shocked. The doctor adds that they have to do the operation as soon as possible to avoid further complications from developing.

Marianna says (to herself) that it's not like she loves the child, but she doesn't want her to die either, otherwise, that might ruin their plans and keep Hector and Adrianna together. Just then, Gina calls Hector. He checks his phone and sees that it is her. He then excuses himself and moves elsewhere to answer the call. Gina says that she feels guilty, about going to visit their father when his daughter is sick. He says that he understands her wanting to support him but he still thinks that she shouldn't come. He adds that enough people will be there.

He reminds her how excited she was about returning to visit their father. Gina says she knows but adds that they are twins and that they have always been there for each other to share both the good and bad times. Hector says that he understands, that she wants to be there for him and appreciates that, but reminds her that their father is also sick and needs attention. Gina stubbornly insists but Hector stands his ground. He then tells her that he has a sick child and asks her not to stress him more than he is already. Gina sighs and says it's fine. He says he loves her and she says she does too.

Meanwhile, Isabella has arrived. She leaves with Marianna, after barely acknowledging Anna Patricia's presence (Hector is still on phone with Gina). Anna Patricia shakes her head and says (to herself) that both Isabella and Marianna are such unbearable people. Just then Luisa calls her to ask her how the baby is. Anna Patricia updates her. She is of course saddened. She says she will update everyone else.

Meanwhile, Antonio calls Gina. He asks her if she will go to the hospital, to check up on her niece. Gina says that she won't. She says that she will stick to the original plan, and visit John alone since it was the first time in a little over a month, she was visiting him. Antonio, as always is bothered but decides to let it go.

Back at the hospital, Isabella and Marianna, are in a deserted hallway. Isabella, asks Marianna, what the doctor has told her. She tells her and then says that they are going to do a bunch of tests, and find a possible donor. She then adds they will probably start with them because they are already there. Isabella says that's fine because the child has to survive or their plans will be ruined.

Much later on, Gina goes to visit her father. He has already finished his work for the day and is in his room. He can see she is sad, and asks, her about it. She says she is fine. He gives her a look that says he doesn't believe her. Gina remembers when she and her brother were four years, and she broke something. Her father asked her who broke the flask, and she said her brother did. He didn't believe her and gave her a similar look. She smiles at the happy childhood memories (she did get punished though).

He takes her soft hands and places them into his larger rougher hands. He says that he has come to know and love both her and Hector like they were, his children. He says he could also tell Hector is also going through something, but he is just as stubborn as her and he wouldn't say anything either. Gina feels mentally weak. It has been so many years of lying, of hiding who she and her brother are, and of not being able to mourn their father openly, and now here he was, infront of her. To top it all off, the drama surrounding the children, and her niece being sick. It was all just too much. She breaks down and the tears start to flow.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon