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Back at Aurelio and Aranza's house,

They have both just finished reading the letter and listening to the tape. They are beyond shocked. Aranza asks Aurelio what they should do. He says that they shouldn't be the ones to deal with this. He says that they should hand it to Hector, Martin, and Antonio because this is explosive and is beyond them. Aranza agrees. She says that she can't believe Isabella and her gang could be so heartless. Aurelio adds that what angers him most is that Adrianna, Gina, and the babies could have been hurt.

Aranza says it angers her too. She then says that despite all that has happened, they need to be calm and do what is best for the children. Aurelio says that it will be a complicated process to switch the children back. Aranza looks at him like he was crazy. She says that Marianna and Isabella exchanged their own children and don't deserve them back. She adds that after what they did, it is clear that they don't love their children at all. Aurelio agrees.

Two days later, on Monday,

At Montes De Alba Inc,

Aurelio has gone to Antonio's office. He asks Antonio if he could come over if he isn't busy because Aranza and him (Aurelio) want to talk to him. Antonio looks at his cousin suspiciously. He asks him if something has happened to either him or Aranza. Aurelio says that they are both fine. He then adds that Aranza is going to look for Martin and Hector as well.

Antonio looks at Aurelio again and asks him if he is fine. Aurelio says he is. Antonio asks him why they want to talk to him, Martin and Hector. Aurelio tells him to come, because it is important but to invent an excuse if anyone asks him. Antonio asks again what is going on. Aurelio says that work isn't the place to discuss personal issues.


Aranza has arrived at the cafeteria, where Hector told her, he was. He was with Martin. She greets them both and sits down. Hector says that she came there quite quickly after she called to ask him where he was. Aranza says it was because they were both here, and she needed to talk to them both. Martin asks her what she did. Aranza says that despite what lies Antonio and Hector may have spread about her, she is a good girl. She says that she and Aurelio want to talk to the two of them and Antonio. She says that Aurelio went to talk to Antonio. Hector asks them if they are both okay.

Aranza says they are. Martin asks her why she insists on meeting him, Hector and Antonio if they are both okay. Aranza says that they are at work and they can't talk about personal issues. Martin looks at her suspiciously, and Hector says that if something is wrong she should tell them (Hector and Martin) and they will help her. Aranza sighs and tells Hector, to stop being so stubborn. She says that they will know when they come. She folds her hands and asks them if they are coming. Martin and Hector both agree to come.

Back with Antonio and Aurelio,

Antonio tells himself that Aranza and Aurelio are either upto something or something has happened to one of them. He says that he will go just to make sure that everything is okay with both of them. He then tells Aurelio that. Aurelio sees Antonio's skeptical look and tells him to relax because everything is okay.

At the mental hospital,

John has another flashback of the young boy with his mother. This time they are at their house. He again asks himself why the child's mother looks like Gina. He asks himself if he is the child, Gabriel. He then says that if Gina looks like his mother, Gina and Hector are somehow connected to him, and are the key to uncovering his past.

Sometime later at Montes De Alba Inc,

Antonio is with Hector and Martin, at the cafeteria. They are discussing Aranza and Aurelio's strange request. Martin asks Antonio if he is going. Antonio says he is. He adds that they should check on them (Aranza and Aurelio) just to make sure nothing is wrong and they aren't upto anything. Hector agrees and says that he will also come. Martin says he will as well.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now