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Back at Horacio's office, Claudia says that he should consider, threatening Gina with taking away their son, if she won't leave Antonio. Horacio manages to put an award-winning performance and looks shocked at the idea. He asks Claudia if that isn't going a bit too far. She shrugs and says that maybe it is but they have to ensure Gina and Antonio break up and avoid a scandal.

Sometime later, Hector calls Gina. He tells her that Isabella was a match with his daughter. She asks him, how he feels about it. He says he doesn't like the fact that his daughter's life depends on that snake. Gina agrees. She says that Isabella isn't a good person, and doesn't do things out of the goodness of her heart or for free.

Meanwhile, Marianna tells Isabella, who is thrilled. Marianna tells Isabella that she should come so that they can save the child's life. Isabella asks her if she has become soft and is developing maternal feelings towards Adrianna's daughter. Marianna tells Isabella to stop being ridiculous. She says that it's one thing to do everything else, but it's another, to let the child die. She adds that would be going too far for her. Isabella tells Marianna to come down. She says that they will save the child's life, but they will also benefit from it.

Back at Horacio's office,

Horacio tells Claudia that he will do it. She adds that they should waste no time and that he should do it as soon as possible. Claudia tells him that he should think of a backup as well. Horacio says he will have a backup within the week.

Sometime later, Gina arrives at the hospital. When he sees, his sister, Hector is annoyed at her for a little while then hugs her.

Meanwhile, Adrianna has also arrived at the hospital. She gets out of the car and turns to go into the hospital when she sees Alejandro. She ignores him, and, walks past him. He, however, walks up to her and holds her hand. She looks up to him with disgust and tells him to leave her alone. She says she wants to see how Marianna's baby is doing. He says that she is such a nice person to care about the well-being of her rival's baby.

He adds, that they would raise their daughter so well together. Adrianna ignores him and tries to walk away but yet again he blocks her. Adrianna has had it. She tells him that she will never love him again, regardless of what the DNA test says. Alejandro says that he has tried to be patient and understanding while she lives out her whim, with Hector but she has driven him to his limits.

Meanwhile, Hector and Gina are at a secluded section of the cafeteria. Hector has his hands folded and tells his sister to start talking because he wants to know how much she told their father. Gina tells him, to stop being so melodramatic. She assures him she didn't say who they were. She says that she only told, him about his (Hector's) daughter, and their situation with the children. Gina says she needed to talk about it, or she would go crazy.

Hector says just like when they were children, she was still a tattle tale unable to keep a secret from their father. Gina glares at her brother then says this isn't the time for his jealous childish tantrums. Hector ignores her and says that he is being serious because the next thing that could happen, is that she will blab out their secret. Gina stares at her brother and tells, him that she would never do that and adds that he should have more faith in her.

Back at the hospital's car basement, Adrianna tells Alejandro that, she is sick and tired of him. He stares back at her unfazed and asks her if she is willing to give up her daughter to be with Hector. For the first time in a long time, Adrianna looks at Alejandro with fear. She asks him what he is talking about. Alejandro says he meant just that. He says that he will never allow Hector to raise his daughter. He adds that if she wants to be with her village boy she must give up her daughter. He seizes her moment of shock and kisses her on the forehead. He adds that he will keep in touch and leaves. Some lone tears start to fall from Adrianna's face.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें