Adrianna adds that Isabella came to her house severally, to threaten her that if she didn't break up with Hector, she would let the child die. There are loud gasps and murmurs after she says this in court. The judge again calls the court to order. He then tells Adrianna to continue. She says that Alejandro threatened her as well, not only with taking away the child but with drugging both the girls' names in the mud and to make sure they were scarred and traumatized for life. She adds that they eventually learnt the truth a few weeks ago after over two years of not knowing anything. After Adrianna finishes she is then cross-examined by both lawyers.

Sometime later,

At the mental hospital, John is in his room. He was feeling unwell and was resting. He takes a deep breath and says that he has a feeling that he will only get worse and that the uncertainty of not knowing what happened to his children is going to kill him. He pauses then adds that he has to get better because Aranza still needs him.

Back at the courtroom,

The next witness called to the stand is Claudia. Isabella is shocked. She didn't see that coming. She tells herself that she didn't think Claudia would talk for fear of Antonio knowing the truth and hating her. When Claudia reaches the front, she gives Isabella a glare. Isabella stares back coolly. She tells herself that regardless of what anyone including Claudia believes, she isn't going to jail neither is she leaving Antonio.

Antonio watches his grandmother go to the front. He remembers, her telling him that she knew that Isabella planned to drug him. Claudia is asked to take the oath and she does. She then begins. She says that Isabella has been in an on-and-off relationship with Antonio. She then continues that as Antonio said earlier he met Gina at Montes De Alba inc when she came to work there. Claudia says that as time went by Antonio introduced Gina to her as his girlfriend, and she ( Claudia) didn't like her.

She adds that she looked down on Gina, and saw her as being beneath her grandson. She says that she encouraged Isabella to continue going after him and to never let Gina have him. Claudia continues and says that one day Isabella came and told her that she planned to drug Antonio and get pregnant with his child. There is loud chatter and the judge is yet again forced to call for order. He then tells Claudia that she can continue. Claudia then says that the plan succeeded because Isabella got pregnant. She adds that she believed the child was her great-grandson until the truth came out.

Back in the small town,

The investigator goes to look for a retired midwife from the local hospital. He had found out that she was the head of the department at the time and she was on duty during the time the children came into the picture. She was visiting some relatives in the village near the small town. The investigator looks around, as he approaches their house. As he walks nearer, everyone looks at him. They can tell he isn't from around. He greets them and says that he is looking for Mrs. Natalia Suarez.

She stands up followed by one of her sons. She asks the investigator what he wants. The investigator introduces himself as Nestor Cruz and says he wants to ask her about the cousins' Hector and Gina Ortiz. She seems a little surprised and asks why. Nestor says that he is looking for children who disappeared around the same time, and he is eliminating possible cases. He looks at Mrs. Natalia and says that he obviously can't ask the family, because if the children were stolen they wouldn't admit it.

Shortly after,

It is Gina's turn to give evidence. She has already started. She continues and says that Isabella, was always obsessed with Antonio, and would use every opportunity to attack her, even after marrying him. She says that as for Horacio, he has been obsessive towards her for quite some time. She adds that a short while after giving birth, Horacio came to her with the story about the insemination. She adds that a DNA test was done, which seemed to prove his claims.

Gina adds that Horacio continued pestering her, this time insisting that they should get married. She adds that she refused and he got more crazier and insisted on them getting married. She adds that he too began using threats. She adds that he threatened to take away her son. Gina then pauses and says to herself that she knows that Antonio will be angry at what she has to say next but she has to admit it. There are murmurs in the court when Gina remains quiet.

Antonio asks himself what is bothering her, and looks at her. The judge asks her if she is well enough to continue. Gina says she is. She adds that Horacio also threatened her severally, that he would hurt even kill John, a patient she had been visiting and had come to care for because he was old, lonely with no family, and reminded her of her father, all to get her to do what he wanted. Gina looks at Antonio, who also looks at her. Their eyes meet and Gina sees that his eyes are full of questions.

Back in the village,

Mrs. Natalia looks at the investigator, Mr. Nestor again. She says that it would be breaching privacy regulations if she talked about children she helped deliver without their parents or their knowledge ( if they are adults ). Nestor says that the children he is referring to were eight years old when the Ortiz's adopted them and therefore she couldn't have delivered them. He adds that this being a small town, two children adopted, by an ordinary family, does get a bit sensational.

Mrs. Natalia, asks Mr. Nestor what exactly he wants. He assures her that she is in no trouble. He says that she worked with children and she is knowledgeable about things that happened around here so many years ago. Mrs. Natalia apologizes and says that she cannot help him much. She adds that she knows as much as other people who were old enough to witness Hector and Gina's adoption. She continues and says that there was a lot of fanfare around the town because some rich children had gone missing without a trace, some weeks or months before in some forests some distance away.

She adds that when Hector and Gina turned up, she was helping with deliveries and follow-ups. She adds that the town like the rest of the region was talking about the missing twins, and so no one paid attention to the children the Ortiz 'adopted. Nestor says to himself that there is something weird going on there. He asks himself if there is a relation between the missing twins and Hector and Gina. He says that at least now he has a new angle to follow.

Much later,

Antonio and Gina are back at his house. The air is tense and thick. Antonio watches her go with the children to the kitchen. He runs his hands through his hair. He says that he doesn't know what to believe anymore. He wonders why she would prioritize a stranger over him. Antonio goes in the direction of his study.

Later at night,

There is some commotion near where Marianna lives. The police are in the middle of chasing dangerous criminals and there is a shoot-out. Some people have gone into their houses, while others are hiding in vantage points, watching the drama unfold. All in all, it is a busy neighborhood, and people are always about.

Meanwhile, Marianna like many people is trying to get away from the madness. She heard the commotion and cut her shopping trip short. She is holding a bag of groceries when she is caught up in the whole melee. Bullets are being fired in all directions. Two stray bullets hit her. One of them on the arm, the other, on her midsection. She falls. Some people scream as shots continue to be fired.

Meanwhile, at Hector's and Adrianna's house,

Adrianna is sitting in her room. She hears a knock on the door and Hector enters. She glances up at him, then continues looking in the direction she was looking at. He walks the short distance towards her and sits near her. He asks her if she is fine. Adrianna says she is. He asks her why she seems so lost in her thoughts.

She says she was just thinking about what will happen in the future, with the children and whether Marianna and Alejandro will ever leave them alone. Hector strokes her cheek with his fingers. He tells her that he will help her grow closer to their daughter and that as for Marianna's and Alejandro's daughter they will do what is best for her.

He adds that as for Marianna and Alejandro, they will work towards divorcing them, though he doesn't think that will be easy. Adrianna agrees that Marianna and Alejandro won't make things easy for them. Hector then tells her that it's late and that it's been a long emotionally draining day and they should leave all their worries for the next day. He then strokes her face and begins to kiss her. Adrianna kisses him back. After some time they roll onto the bed, and they continue to kiss each other.

HERNAN AND GABRIELA BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now